Chapter 14: Team Arrow 2.0

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Sometime later... 

Mia, Oliver and I walked down the steps into the tunnels below the city. 

'Stay close, please,' Oliver said to Mia. 

'Where are we?' she asked. 

'You're in the service tunnels underneath the city,' Curtis replied over the comms. 'Basically, you all are in "The Shawshank Redemption".' 

'The Shawshank - what?' Mia asked in confusion. 

' "The Shawshank Redemption". It's - are there no movies in the future?!' Curtis asked. 

'Curtis!' I barked over the mic. 'Focus.' 

'Oh, right. Staying on task. Sorry. A little bit out of practice, guys. Spartan, what's your status?' In another part of the building, John, Connor and Laurel were paired up together. 

'We're at the east end,' John replied over the comms. 

'Looks like someone beat us here,' Laurel mused. Oliver, Mia and I walked around the corner, hearing Grant Wilson speak. 

'Tonight, we take back the city from the cancer that has plagued it. We will set its citizen free. We will save this city from itself.' We rounded the corner to see Grant standing there in full Deathstroke armour. 'Stand beside me. Take back what is rightfully yours. Let's make Star City great again.' 

'Where are his men?' Mia whispered. 

'Mia, you should get behind me,' Oliver hissed. She drew her bow and arrow, but then spun around when several Deathstrokes came up behind her. And the fight began. In another part of the building, Connor, John and Laurel came into a room. 

'We're almost at the relay,' he said through the comms as they took on a few Deathstrokes. They turned to see the relay device beeping. 

'Well, that can't be good,' Laurel said. 

Mia took on Grant Wilson, and before long, on the other end of the comms, the device was neutralised. 

'This isn't over,' Grant said, as he was tied up by a cable, laying against the wall. 

'Yes, it is!' Mia exclaimed, drawing back her bow to kill him. 

'Mia!' Oliver yelled. He walked around to stand in front of her. 

'Get out of my way.' 

'No.' Oliver stepped forward. 'Hate me if you want. I'm not letting you do this.' She glared at him, then slowly but surely, lowered her bow. 


The group stood around the table. 

'Just got off the phone with Gotham City PD. Grant Wilson is being prepped and transferred to Blackgate, where he will spend the next 20 to life.' 

'We will keep an eye on him,' Laurel reassured the group. 'He's not going anywhere.' 

'Takes the Deathstrokes off the board,' Oliver mused. 

'For the foreseeable future,' I chimed in, sitting on one of the chairs, nursing a deep gash in the side from one of the Deathstrokes. 

'Literally,' William replied. 'Let's hope it changes things somehow.' 

'For Zoe,' Mia said. 

'And for JJ,' Connor spoke. 

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