Chapter 21: Nuclear Weapon Duty... With Some Nasty Surprises

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Laurel, Oliver and I walked through the forest, Oliver holding the small screen out in front of him, looking at it occasionally as he walked.

'William synced this map to the plutonium's location. It's going to get us close to the case, but the coordinates won't be exact, so we're going to have to sweep the area.' 

'Well, the sooner we find it, the better because I am not a fan of this island.' 

'Yeah? Well, it has that effect on people,' I quipped. 

'You know, I never expected to be on a mission with you like this, you know,' Oliver said. 'I'm glad you're here.' 

'No offence, but shouldn't this Kodak moment be with you and someone else?' Laurel asked. 


'You and Mia.' 

'Oh. Trying to give her a little space,' Oliver replied. 

'Sure you're not trying to avoid a difficult conversation?' I chimed in. He gave me a look as we walked into a semi-large clearing. 

'I'm sure she doesn't want to talk to me, Evelyn,' he said, his tone sharp. 

'Oliver, don't be an idiot, okay?' Laurel replied just as sharply, stopping the three of us in our tracks. 'All that girl wants to do is live up to her father.' 

'Fine. All this father wants is to complete this mission so that my kids actually have a world to live in. We are almost there. Come on.' 

'Oliver...' My tone was sharp and left no room for argument. He turned back to the two of us. 'A piece of advice,' I added. 'Don't leave this island with more regrets than you already have buried here.' The three of us set off once more. 

Oliver opened the case, finding the plutonium sample safe and sound. 

'Laurel, I found it!' he shouted. I stood nearby. 'Laurel!' 

'Laurel!' I yelled. The two of us looked at each other, when suddenly, a man in a familiar-looking mask came into the clearing, holding Laurel hostage with a blade to her throat. 

'Let her go,' Oliver said. 

'Oh, I'm afraid he can't do that,' a voice said, and Oliver and I turned to see a middle-aged man come into the clearing. 'Hello, Oliver.' 

'Fyers,' Oliver said softly. 'You're dead.' 

'What?' Laurel and I asked in unison. 

'How do you know him?' I asked Oliver. He ignored me. 

'Seems I've been given a new lease on life, though this time I'll be sure to finish the job,' the man named Fyers replied. Four men with guns ran into the clearing, aiming them at us. Oliver and I pulled guns out of the waistbands of our pants, with Oliver putting the plutonium case down. 'Drop your weapons.' Oliver turned, still holding the gun, as did I. 'Drop your... weapon!' We both whirled around and shot the four men, Laurel overpowering her man. The three of us all looked at each other. 

'What the hell was that?' I yelled. 

'Friends of yours?' Laurel quipped. 

'Edward Fyers and Billy Wintergreen,' Oliver replied. 'They were on the island when I first got here, and they're both dead.' 

'So now we're fighting ghosts?' Laurel asked. He picked the case up and handed it to Laurel. 

'You two get this to William.'

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