Chapter 19: A Piece of the Past Is Behind Me

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The next day... 

'Don't forget to send me that picture of my dad with that haircut,' Mia said, walking into the living room. 

'Don't forget to ask about Bratva tattoo,' Anatoly replied. 'We have matching.' 

'Used to,' Oliver said. 'Used to, actually.' 

'I still have mine,' I chimed in. 

'Oh, ho. I'm gonna need to hear that story immediately,' William said with a grin, then went to join his sister at the door as Oliver and I turned to Anatoly. 

'Thank you,' Oliver said. 'I always seem to end up in your debt.' 

'We are beyond keeping score,' the gangster replied. 'We have been friends, we have been enemies. From now on, let us just be brothers.' 

'Not the Bratva kind,' Oliver said with a smile. 

'No. Real family, like the one you have now. I can be the fun uncle. Being father really suits you.' Oliver and Anatoly hugged. 

'Goodbye, brother,' he said, and they released. 

'Thank you. Good-bye, Oliver.' Then Anatoly and I hugged. 'Take care, my beautiful Athena,' he whispered in my ear. We stood back. 

'I'm gonna miss you. Thank you, Anatoly.' I squeezed his hand. 

'All right. Let's go,' Oliver said. The four of us walked out the door and Laurel was about to follow, but Anatoly stopped her. 

'Oh, Laurel...' She turned to face him. 'There's something I want to say.' 

'What?' she snapped. 'One last hilarious Russian joke for the road?' 

'Sorry to doubt you. I guess leopards really can change spots. Or in your case, bird, feather.' 

'It thought you said you weren't sentimental,' she replied softly. 

'Maybe I change, too. Like you.' She walked away with a smile. 

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