Chapter 17: The Challenge

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Oliver awoke, shaking his head clear of the fog. He looked to his right. Mia and Evelyn were tied in chairs, with their backs to each other. 

'You okay?' he asked the both of us. 

'Yeah, I'm fine.' I groaned. 

'God, this is like the worst hangover.' 

'Where are we?' Mia asked. 

'Probably some Bratva hideout,' Oliver replied, looking around for anything that might be familiar. It was a short time before he spoke again. 'I told you to stay put, Mia. What were you thinking?' 

'That we needed to finish the mission.' 

'You understand that I had it handled, correct?' Oliver asked, raising his voice slightly. 

'Told you you were screwed, kid,' I said drily with a soft laugh that had no humour in it. 

'Uh, apparently not,' Mia shot back, 'considering we are tied up in a creepy basement.' There was silence. Then she spoke again. 'Why did he call you two "Kapiushon" and "War Goddess"?' 

'Kapiushon is a nickname that the Bratva gave me,' Oliver replied. It means "Hood".' 

'And "War Goddess" is just another name for "Athena".' 

'You two were members of the Bratva,' she replied in a low voice. I looked at Oliver, who said nothing. 'You should have told me.' 

'I didn't want you or William involved in this,' Oliver replied quietly. 

'I can handle myself.' 

'That is not what this is about.' 

'Then what is it about?' she snapped. Oliver tried to break the bonds, not responding to Mia's question. 

'Damn it,' I hissed. 'I can't break it either.' 

'We tied your thumbs,' the man named Oleg said suddenly, walking into the room with several Bratva men. 'You went to a lot of trouble to get this,' he said, waving the device with the plans on it around. 'Even we couldn't crack the security encryptions. It must be worth a great deal. Tell me what it is.' I spat at his feet with a mocking laugh. 

'Go to hell.' He looked over to me and with a sound that echoed through the hollow room like a thunderclap, he slapped me across the face. I looked back up at him with a cheeky laugh, mouth full of blood. I spat out a broken tooth. 'You hit like a fuckin' girl,' I said. 'And coming from a girl - that's saying something... bitch.' 

'Tell me what it is,' he asked. 

'No,' Oliver replied resolutely. 

'I will only ask once more.' He aimed his gun at Mia's head. 'You have five seconds. 5...' 

'Don't tell him anything,' Mia said softly. 

'4... 3... 2...' He finally spoke on the count of two. 

'They're plans. For a weapon that Burov's building.' Oleg lowered his gun. 

'Was that so hard? Now we can move on to the next phase.' He nodded to one of the men, who pulled out a gleaming blade. 

The man stepped forwards with the blade in his hand, toward Mia. 

'Don't touch her!' I screamed. 'We already told you everything we know!' The man stepped forward and cut Mia's bonds, and she stood, but Oleg pointed his gun at her. 

'On the line,' he said, and my heart sank at those three words. She paused for a moment, then began to walk away. 

'Mia, no,' Oliver said. 'M-Mia! No!' he shouted, but she was wordless as she walked to the line, placing her toes upon it. 

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