Holy Smokes!

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A/N: I would just like to say something before you begin reading. This is suppose to be as if Patrick is not married to Elisa and doesn't have a son. He is single, and ready to mingle. Also, for people who would be considered to young to date Patrick...which honestly is most likely all of you, just pretend that y'all are similar in age, or just completely forget about that. Age is but number in the fanfiction world. :)

There you were. Standing outside of Borders Bookstore in Wilmette, Illinois. How did you know it was here? Well obviously because this is where Patrick Stump and Joe Trohman met! How could you not want to visit this place while traveling here on a family vacation from (T/S). You had begged your family for hours on end to let you come here, and you didn't stop whining until they you agreed to do the dishes for a week when you got home. Very small price to pay considering you're going to practically a historical monument...or as far as you're concerned it is. You walk in, feeling the smell of books wash over you, knowing Patrick and Joe had smelt that same smell the day they met.

"ohmygod! I can't believe I'm actually here! Patrick Stump walked these same halls! Joe Trohman touched these same doors," you say as you point t the entrance door.

"What's so special about this place anyway?" Your dad asked.

"'It was the summer of 2001. Joe meets Patrick, and he's like 'Yo! I know about music'. And Patrick's like 'Yo! I know more about music.' 'That's impossible! Do you want to start a band?'"

"Okay, okay. I got it. One of our bands were created here. I also understand that you spend too much time obsessing about them on them on the internet. Seriously, it's scary. Plus, how drunk would someone have to be to say "Yo!' that many times," your dad asked under estimating your ability to tell them anything and everything about Fall Out Boy or anything that correlates to it.

"A couple shots of COLDCOCK whiskey, some shots of Jameson, some shots of Glenlivet scotch, numerous beers throughout the day, numerous beers chugged before the shots, and a Vodka Redbull from Joe Trohman." You smile happy with your self. Your father just stands there shaking his head in disapproval. You walk off towards the place you had seen in Brendon's drunk history video: The patio. You reach the door when suddenly you see someone sitting there, reading a book. You walk out there suddenly feeling almost drawn to them. He continues to read his book, his blondish-brown hair standing completely still in the hard gushing wind. You're completely in aw over this...well you don't know what he is. Is he a mature looking boy, a regular teenager, or an extremely small man? You trip over nothing and fall flat on your face. Great (Name) way to look cool. You sure did completely screw that up in about .10 seconds.

"Holy smokes, are you okay?!" You know that voice. You most definitely know that voice. You've heard it in more interviews than you've liked to admit. Holy crap! This can't be who I think it is. He is not Him! He can't be! He runs over to you helping you up. "Are you okay?" You don't answer. You're too shocked to talk, or cry, to hug him, or anything. You just stand there like a complete idiot for a good solid minute while he is grasping your shoulders to keep you steady.

"Your...your...your Patrick Stump." You whisper that way no one will be able to hear you except him.

He looks down at your shirt, Fall Out Boy is written across the top along with American Beauty/American Psycho and two knifes running across your chest. "Aww, so you're a fan?"

"You have no idea. I fall asleep every night crying while listening to your music..." You suddenly feel stupid for telling him that. Sure he hears it all the time, but you don't want him knowing how emotionally attatched you are to his music.

"Thank you. Well, I'm Patrick, as you already know," he snickers, "And you are?" He smiles that little cheapish smile that you love so much that it shatters your heart to pieces knowing it being used for you and you only.

"(F/L)" You say a little too quickly.

He laughs again, this time making you smile. "Well, (F/N) what are you doing in Wilimette, Illinois? You aren't from around here." He smirks.

"Oh really? And you know this how?" You smirk back hiding your inner fangirl that wants to come out and hug him until the world ends.

"I can just tell." He smiles a flirty smile, and you just melt inside. "So anyway, do you want to go grab something to eat? You look hungry and considering that I'm basically the reason you got hurt, I would love to make it up to you."

You couldn't have answered faster if you wanted to, "Yes!" But then you remembered that you're here with your family. "Aw crap. I forgot I'm here with my family." You pout and look down, not being able to look at those beautiful green eyes that have been giving you life since the first time you hear their music.

"How about we convince them to let you come with me to lunch and then I'll bring you to where ever want." You nod in agreement. You both walk up to your mom and dad you wonder what you're going to say that is so convincing that your parents would let you go out to lunch with some random stranger that they've never met. "Hi, Mr. and Mrs. (Last name). I'm Patrick. Your daughter and I just met each other, although as you can tell she's known me a long time," pointing to my shirt, "and I was wondering if I could take her out to lunch, given the fact that she fell on her face because of me." He turns to me and smiles reassuringly.

"Uh...I don't know. Honey what do you think?" Your mom says looking over at your dad. You give him the puppy dog eyes knowing that it works every time.

"Um...uh...I don't know. I mean this is a family vacation and your mom and I were..."

"Please, Dad! I mean how many chances are there that you get to meet the love of your life and they just so happen want to take you out for lunch the day you meet?! Never! It never happens, which is why I should go because this is never going to happen and again. Plus, don't you want me to be happy? If not the don't let me go, but if you do, then you would let me go."

"Fine, but you have to be back in two hours, no later."

"Yay! Thank you, Dad! I love you." You turn to Patrick and whisper, "Let's go before they change their minds." You grab his hand and you both run out of the library.

A/N: Hey guys, I hope you like this. I'll be uploading a new part in a little while. I've also written fanfictions of Joe Trohman x Reader, Pete Wentz x Reader, Andy Hurley x Reader, Dan Howell x Reader, Phil Lester x Reader, Phan fiction, and Peterick fanfiction so y'all should go check those out too.

Patrick Stump x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now