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A/N: Hey guys, so this is not the story I was going to be uploading today, but my phone deleted my other story that I worked really hard for a freaking week (yes I know, it does not take people that long to write a one-shot, but I mean well...uh it does so what ever) so I'm just uploading a story that I wrote a while back that I never published on here, so it's crappy and it sucks, but I promised you guys an update today so here you are!

You got off the plane and walked pass security. It had been a long ride from (Y/H/T) to Las Angeles and you were ready to see your one true love. You had your one carry-on be your actual bag full of clothes so you didn't have to go through the trouble of going to luggage claim after getting off the plane. Why? Because everyone who has ever ridden a plane before knows that luggage claims are always a bitch and with your luck they'd lose your bag. Finally you got to the front door and there he was, standing there in suit and tie, holding a sign with you name on it. "Patrick!"

As you ran towards him he dropped the sign and held his arms out wide waiting for the hug he would soon be enveloped in. He yelled "(Y/N)!" as you got closer. Finally you were in his arms. "I missed you." He kissed you on the forehead, not tall enough to reach the top of your head.

"I missed you to!" You then kiss him hard, not caring who saw. Sure you were in the middle of the airport, but who gave a crap? You loved him, and you missed him. To hell with anyone who has a problem with that. But this trip was different. You weren't just visiting, you were staying. You were moving in with Patrick.

He pulled back ever so slightly to catch a breath and admire you. "I love you." He whispered so only you could hear.

"I love you too." You smile

"Are you ready to go?" You shook your head yes. He grabbed your bag with his left hand and put his right hand around your back. "Then lets go home."

Hey guys, I hope you like that. Please remember to vote, and then you should check out my other stories. Also, you can follow me on Instagram @fandxmtube and say I read your story on Wattpad and I'll follow you back! Thank you for reading! (:

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