Screw Homework

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There you were. Just sitting there, doing your homework you had been putting off all night until eleven o'clock because all you wanted to do was finish that one book. Not realizing that one book was gonna take you five hours to finish. So there you are, trying to typing the essay that is due in nine hours, and not a single word written. And then suddenly you hear something thrown at your window. A boulder? That's what it sounded like. Don't be stupid, (Y/N) no one can throw a boulder at your window. It's was a small pebble. But who is throwing rocks, sorry...pebbles, at your window?

You get up out of your bed and walk over to the window. You pull the curtains back and expect to see the guy from Texas Chainsaw Massacre waiting for you with his mask on. It wasn't...Thank God. You look down, seeing not a face, but an extremely small silhouette projected from the back porch lights. It doesn't take you long. Honestly, how many guys are out there that are under 5'7"? Well, not many. You unlock the hatch on the window and open the window. "Patrick! What are you doing here? And why the hell are you throwing rocks at my house?" You whisper, but loud enough for him to hear.

He looks up at the second-story window you're standing in front of and whispers back, "stand back, i'm coming up!" He starts attempting to climb the tree beside your window. He jumps to reach the first stable branch, but it's too high up.

"Good job, Jacob! Now stop being an idiot and just come in through the actual house. I'm home alone." You smile and start laughing as he walks to the already unlocked backdoor. You run downstairs to meet him at the door, but as you turn a corner, you stub your toe on the couch. "Shit!"

"Hey, language!" Patrick says. You don't say anything and just stand there with an unamused face. "Oh I'm sorry, you know I was kidding. Are you okay, my love?" He says in a mocking tone. You raise an eyebrow refusing to say anything. He smiles at you and kisses you on the cheek. "Besides stubbing your toe on the couch, how has your day been?"

"Eh. But it's better now that you're here." You smile back and wrap your arms around his neck. He wraps his arms around your waist and you both stand there, saying nothing. Because who needs words when you have eyes? So all you do for what seems like forever is stare into each other's eyes.

"You said your parents aren't home? And how long will they be gone?" He ask.

"A-a-all nig..." Before you can finish answer he's kissing your neck. He pulls back and smiles on huge smile and unwraps himself from you and takes your arm and starts guiding you upstairs. Oh crap! I forgot about homework! Oh well, screw homework, you have Patrick-mother f-ing-Stump!

A/N: Hey guys, so this somewhat based off a true story. I didn't start doing my homework until about half an hour ago, and then all of the sudden something thuds against my window. I think it was a bird. Sadly though, I do not have a boyfriend like Patrick Stump...or a boyfriend for that matter, so...If you're single, comment #singlesclub if you aren't single, and have a boyfriend/girlfriend, than I give you full permission to make fun of us single people. Anyway, thank you for reading, and don't forget to vote. Also go check out my other stories and follow me on Instagram @fandxmtube and say you've read my story on Wattpad and I'll follow you back!<3

Also, forgot to tell you. There are a couple (meaning 2) references to other fandoms, and you should try to see if you can figure out where they are and what they're from. 5/13/15

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