M.D.R.H. part 14

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"Will you be mine?" He asked leaning down on the counter top on his elbows.

You just froze in shock and the wooden spoon fell into the pot you were making the noodles in.

"W-what?" You asked but didn't turn around.

"I know, it's too early to ask you that, right?" He asked looking down.

"Do you know in how much danger you'll be put in if I wore to be with you?" You asked him turning around and his eyes landed right onto yours.

"I don't care about what danger I'll be put in, all that matters is that you would be mine..." Jungkook said but you just looked at him.

"What danger am I gonna be put it? Your parents, I don't even know their characteristics, their problems, what if they will have a problem with you dating a human, what if they wanna kill me?" You said trying to stay calm.

"Y/n, you will never be killed, not on my watch, and if anyone wants that then they will have to deal with me first, because you will be my first priority. I don't care about the others. I will protect you no matter what. I just know that you are the one for me and I can't stay without you." Jungkook said coming towards you and holding onto your shoulders.

His words just made you tear up, the fact that you were never your parents first priority, and they didn't really care.

Am I supposed to say 'yes' now?
Ok fine, I am exposing myself to myself now, I love him and I do want to be his but I'll I'm just scared about his parents.

"Hmm?" Jungkook hummed .

"Yes" You said looking up into his eyes which started sparkling hearing the word 'yes'.

"Really?" He asked smiling and you nodded.

He then hugged you tight and you hugged him back. You felt protected, safe, and smelling the scent of his Dior Sauvage made your heart melt.

You guys watched a movie but half way through, you fell asleep.

He carefully picked you up and layed you down on your bed, be layed next to you and just admired your beauty the whole night as he doesn't sleep.

You woke up and thought that the movie was still on, but actually it was the next morning.  This time when you woke up, you weren't in the same mood as usually, today you were just sad and unbothered for no reason what so ever, just how you woke up.

Jungkook wasn't there anymore, he starts his shift earlier than you do.

You got yourself ready and left for work. Taking the lift to the bottom floor and into your car you go.

You went inside the staff room and there you saw Rose.

"Hey sleepy head, looks like you are still tired" Rose said, taking out the papers if the printer but was stopped by you hugging her and she hugged back.

"You alright? Did something happen?" Rose asked but even you don't know why you are like this.

"Yeah, I don't know but I'm fine" You said. You took the papers Rose printed out since you had to document the papers.

"Those are Mr. Sun's surgery papers" Rose said. "You will have a surgery today, lungs surgery" she said again sitting down at her computer.

"Will Mr.Jeon be there?" You asked her. "Yes Jungkook will be there, and as well as the director, he hasn't been active in a while" Rose said.

You were relieved that at least Jungkook will be there, but the director?!

Time passed so fast that it was now time for the surgery, you got yourself ready and went inside the O.R and looked just to see the director smiling at you and you bowed.

"Miss.Y/n, we are starting in thirty seconds, please take your place" Mr.Jeon said smiling at you through the mask.

The surgery begun and you were amazed that there was no mark on his neck, his eyes didn't turn red, his hands doing their job.

He must've taken a different drug that works.

Throughout the surgery, you were nervous because of the director, Jungkook kept correcting you as you couldn't think of perform the surgery.

The surgery ended and you just got your uniform back on.

"Y/n" Jungkook said and grabbed your arm turning you around since you were walking slow.

"Hmm?" You hammed and he just looked into your eyes.

He wanted to feel your lips again but couldn't as you were in public.

"What's wrong? You could barely take control of the surgery, what are you thinking about?" Jungkook asked but again, you didn't know how to answer.

"Is it your Appa?" He asked again, there you remembered, tomorrow your Appa is transferring to your hospital and you need to perform another surgery.

"Omg, I completely forgot, he is transferring tomorrow" you said and your eyes widened, you then ran to the staff room and got his papers ready so you don't have to do them later.



I'm sorry about this part being so short.

I just finished a kdrama in 2 days!! 😭

Business Proposal

Amazing kdrama!

Anyway see yah!


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