Chapter one! Hunter

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I am counting this as next's mouths chapter because, I have to pack a lot this week then leave on Monday come back in a week then have a week to wash all the clothes the pack again. Then its time to leave for a week again. Then another week of free time and the TWO WEEKS AWAY FORM HOME!

I have a busy summer.

Does any one know if there is an episode coming out on Saturday? King's Tide killed me.

Chapter one Hunter

I stared at the mirror, as I brushed my teeth. I have one more day of school, one more day being called elf or vampire, I thought in disgust.

I walked out the door as I pulled down my yellow sweat shirt over my head.

I turned to Luz's door and I swung it open when she didn't open or answer.

"Are you still in a bad mood, human?" I called her.

I walked to the side of her bed and lifted the covers so the light bleed under it.

"Go away!" I heard her say.

"If I have to go to school then so do you." I told her, "Come one get out from under there!"

"Never!" I smiled smugly. She was in a better mood already.

"Then you give me no choice..." I hissed trying to mickic the glider snake, as I grabbed her legs and dragged her out from under the bed.

Luz filled the room with giggles, and lots of nos.

"Foolish child" I whispered in her ear.

"TASTE THIS SUCKER!" She yelled, interrupting my moulage. She reached up to tickle me.

I slapped her hands away and pinned her hands behind her back, "Nice try, Human!" I told her. "I would have said 'my only weakness dying', but you didn't stand a chance!" I booped her noose and then she tried to wiggle me off her.

"As the amazing football player I am, you can not wiggle me off." I said with sass.

She mouthed "as-the-amazing-foot-ball-player-I-am" after I said it.

I put my hand on my chest, puffed it out, and let out a gasp. "No you did not!" I said.

"Yes I DID!" She said with a blinding smile.

"You must have consequences for your crimes!" I said and gave her a merciless tickle attack, until her alarm on her phone went off.

My head shoot up along with my ears. "What is that for?" I asked when she burst out in a fit of hysterical laughter.

"Your ears!" She laughed.

I let out a scoff, and helped her up. "You need to get ready to go." I told her.

Then her gloomy face came back and I let out a groan. "Stop frowning!" I said. "It's one summer!"

"Yeah but still!" Luz said, "One more summer closer to death!"

"So dramatic," I sighed. "Mom's probably making breakfast. Hurry up!"

I waited for Luz to walk out her door then grabbed her by her arm and whispered in her ear, "I think your book report was amazing." She gave me a sad smile, and I gave her a small shove. "Cheer up frowny pants!" I teased, and that earned me a small smile.

As we sat down at the table, I asked Ms Noceda, "Does Luz really need that summer camp?" I asked, "Wouldn't the camp get rid of her creativity?" I said.

"No" She said after a while, "It will bring her down to Earth."

"MOM!" Me and Luz said at the same time, and one of us sounded way whinier than the other.

"If she goes you'll hear a lot more, 'I'm bored!'" I warned her.

"Yeah! What he said!" Luz said with her arms crossed looking proud of herself.

"Hey that was my line, miss proudy" I told her

"No. If you say that you'll get to wash the floor board." Ms Noceda said, putting breakfast on the table.

I gave Ms Noceda a I-am-so-done-with-life look. "Fine," I said as Luz slumped down in her seat.

"But look how sad she-" I started.

"Hunter Caleb Noceda!" Ms Noceda said in a warning tone.

"Okay, okay" I said, "But what if-"


"OKAY, I'll stop!" I promised, at least it got a smile from Luz.

As we walked to the car Luz playful bumped into me so I bumped her back (a game of human bumper cars)then I whispered to her, "You better come back from the summer and come back unchanged, you hear me, human?"

She looked at me with a determined face and gave me a nod. I pushed her in the car and slammed the door behind her. "SEE YOU AFTER SCHOOL, HUMAN!" I yelled as the car drove away.

I looked down the sidewalk with a sigh, now it's my turn to go to school. I thought miserably.

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