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We made the announcement at the concert so that's done. That day I lied to Len saying I wasn't upset about them being together because what could I do about them?No it's the Monday after and I'm so tired. As I walked out of the school after school to wait for Len, I saw Kaito. What was he doing here? I thought he went to a different high school.

He was just standing there with ice cream in his hand. Typical Kaito. He was looking around until he spotted me. "Rin-chan! Over here! I got you orange ice cream!" Said Kaito when he saw me. I went to walk over to him and he gave me the ice cream. "Thanks. What brings you over here?" I asked.

Kaito was smiling when he said, "You. There was something I wanted to tell you and your brother already knows." I flinched when he said 'your brother' I still wasn't used to that. "Oh, what did you want to tell me?" I asked out loud. He took my hand and dragged me to the cherry blossoms. "K-Kaito?" I was curious of what was going on.

"Aren't these cherry blossoms pretty?" Kaito asked me as he let go of my hand. I looked at them, they really were... But they reminded me on Len too much. We would always go look at them together. I started crying a little from all the memories and nodded at Kaito's question. "Rin, forget about Len. I'm here for you." He said in a series tone.

"So is Len." I said. He is there for me but just as a brother. "You know what I mean." Kaito said. I nodded, tears still streaming down my face. "Rin-chan. I've liked you for as long as I can remember. Will you become my girlfriend?" Asked Kaito in a series tone of voice.

Kaito's girlfriend? He liked me for a long time? I've been confessed to a lot. But I actually know Kaito really well. What if I hurt his feelings. Maybe I could try it out and forget about Len. Maybe I'll fall in love with Kaito and be able to forget about Len...

"I-I will." I said wiping away my tears giving him the sweetest smile I could. A big smile appeared on his face and he hugged me tightly. I hugged him back as tight as he was hugging me.


I was there the whole time. They never noticed me. I was there when he gave her the ice cream, when he dragged her here to the Sakura trees. When he asked her out... And she said yes.

They still haven't noticed me. Maybe it's my fault for trying to hide. I guess she really is over me. It's strange how fast she got over me. She is probably thinking the same thing about me. But what can I do now? Nothing. Nothing at all.

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