Hatred pt. 2

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Len took care of me yesterday when I fell down sick. Apparently Kaito bought me home but my dad wouldn't let him in. Typical dads...

I'm all better now but I feel like I was being a little rude to Len. What if he got the wrong idea and thinks I don't really care about him anymore? Well, it is his fault for being so mad and jealous of Kaito. In my opinion, it doesn't look like he is over me yet, but nothing I could do about it.

As I walked down for lunch today, I saw Len sitting at the table with his head down. "What are you doing.? You're taking up my lunch space." I told Len with no expression on my face. To be honest, I didn't really care what he did right now. When I said that, he looked up at me, "This was my house first, remember?" My eyes widened when he said that.

He has never said something to me in that tone of voice. He glared at me with eyes I've never seen before. "Y-yeah... Hey, are you ok? You don't seem like yourself..." I told him with concerned eyes. He sighed and asked, "and why do you care? You even said yesterday that you don't care about me and I could go die and you wouldn't be upset or sad." With that, he stood up and added on, "By the way, we have to go to the church today and help get ready for the wedding."

Did I really say all of that? I don't remember much of yesterday, it's like I kind of blanked out from being sick. If I really don't mean what I said, I need to apologize... I tried to say Len's name as he walked away and reach for him, but it was too late, he was too far away, already upstairs. I didn't have an appetite to eat anymore. Len for surely hates me now, and it's all my fault.

I wasn't lying when I said that Rin said she didn't care about me or anything. She really did say that... Not when she was awake though, she was asleep. Rin was sleep talking when she said it. She really doesn't like me at all. What she said really made me mad. But it made me realize I was chasing her for no reason.

I could care less what Rin was doing now too. I'm completely over her. In fact, I think I'm starting to hate her just like she hates me. "Len, come downstairs! We are going to the church!" I heard my dad yell for me. I went downstairs and saw Rin looking down sadly. She probably only feels bad because I heard her true feelings.

Our family went to the church and help get ready. After that, our parents decided to go out for lunch today since no one had lunch. Rin and I just sat in silence the whole time. When we ordered our food, my mother spoke up, "What's wrong with you two? You guys used to be so close from what I saw." I looked down and I could tell Rin was too. "Nothing happened." I told her and Rin nodded her head in agreement.

"No, I agree with your mom, something did happen. I want you guys to explain it all right now." My father said. I shook my head while Rin kept silent. They kept pestering us about it but I just blocked them out as best as I could, but before I knew it, Rin couldn't take it and got up and walked out the restaurant. Oh great, now I'm gonna have to chase after her.

My dad was about to tell me what to do, but before he did I said, "I know, I know." And got up to go after her. "Rin! " I shouted out her name as I caught up to her, we were in the shopping center now. She looked at me and glared, "What?" Asked Rin.

"I know those questions were pretty bothersome... But aren't you the one who started this because your the one acting like you completely hate me." I finally told her. Tears started welling up in her eyes, "Your the one who hates Kaito which is as bad for me."

"I never said a word about it! I was going to let myself be in pain the whole time while watching!" I was shouting now and couldn't stop. My anger was building up. "But I could tell you did!" She yelled back at me with tears in her eyes. "I don't hate Kaito, I was just jealous. Either way, your the one who got mad at me and started hating me just because I got a little jealous even though you truly loved me at first!" That set her off...

"I know! It's all my fault!" She didn't just have tears in her eyes anymore, she was actually crying. "Ri-" I got cut off when she shouted, "I didn't mean what I said yesterday when I was sick! But yet, I-I am upset at you, but I don't know why, so yes! It's all my fault!" With that she ran off but I didn't chase after her. Do I really hate her?

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