Forgiven yet?/LenXMiku</3

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Tonight was a horrible night with all the questions and me crying I front of Len and running off. I didn't even go home, I went straight to Kaito's house. No one chased after me, I guess Len doesn't care anymore. As I walked up to Kaito's door and was about to knock, the door opened.

It was Kaito getting ready to leave."Rin? Why are you here?" Kaito asked me. "I had a fight with my brother and-" Kaito cut me off,"I know what happened. I got a call from Len. He said he wasn't worthy of looking for you since he made you upset so he asked me to look for you. That's why I was just about to leave. Calling and texting you didn't work." My eyes widened.

Len did care, he was just a afraid it would make me more upset... "Come on in, Rin." Kaito opened the door all the way and I walked in, "Thank you, Kaito." Kaito just smiled and lead me to the living room. Kaito called Len to tell him where I was and apparently they made plans for me to spend the night. "I'm not that upset... Also what did my dad say about that?" I told Kaito. "Your dad thinks you're at Miku's house." said Kaito.

We stood up late talking mostly. We did watch a couple movies and cuddled. But it didn't feel right. "So what happened with you and Len?" Kaito finally asked him. I hesitated but decided to tell him the whole story. Of how I was mad at Len because he seemed like he hated Kaito and how he was jealous and pretty much the whole story. Except for the part that now I'm not even sure about my feeling for either Kaito or Len. "So that's what happened...Try to forgive him, you guys are sibling, learn to forgive and forget." Kaito said to me. Forgive and forget... I smiled at Kaito, "Right."

I spent the night then it was finally the next morning and I had to leave. I said goodbye to Kaito and went home. "Rin!" I heard Len when I walked inside the house. "I'm really sor-" Len was about to apologize but I cut him off, "I'm sorry to worry you. I'm not upset at you so don't worry about that." I said with a smile. That's right, I finally learned how to forgive and forget.

Rin finally forgave me. It was a really happy feeling. Thing is, I don't want anything to happen like that again. And I don't want it to be me mad at her this time. Miku is in the way of that.

The day that Rin forgave me, I kept thinking. Are my feelings for Rin still there? I thought they were gone, but maybe I was just upset at her. Even if Rin doesn't like me anymore, I can't be with Miku just to get over her. I need some time for me. That day I spent it with Rin so we could finally make up and not be mad at each other anymore. Once we got home, I called Miku.

"Len-kun, what's up?" Miku answered the phone. "H-hey, Miku... Can we meet up at the park tomorrow?" I asked her. I'm not sure if I want to break things off with Miku, so I'll think it through and talk to her and figure it out then. "Yeah, sure! See you then!" Miku said after we made plans for a time and stuff. Then I hung up.

Finally tomorrow arrived. I thought it out throughly. I don't even need to talk to her about it. I waited at the park until Miku arrived. She was all dressed up lie for a date. "Len~kun! How are you?" She asked. "Miku... I have something to say. You know how Rin and I had a fight?" I asked and she nodded, "Well I don't want that incident to happen again, and I'm not saying you would be a cause or anything but I'm scared she'll be the one getting jealous so I thought up of a solution since I know my true feelings for you, Miku." I added on. Miku's eyes widened as she knew what was coming up, but she still asked with a painful smile, "And what would that solution be?"

"I'm breaking up with you."

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