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"How did it go?" Max asked, sitting next to Tasha on the love seat while Nina sat by herself on the couch.

Nina had run out of Tristan's office after he told her in not so many words that he wanted nothing to do with her. She couldn't blame him, though. Even if what she thought she was doing was right, she still lied to him and went behind his back.

The truth was that she missed him and Nadia. She felt like they could be one big happy family, something that she never really had, but she ruined any chances of that coming true.

They were at her grandmother's home. Well, it was her home now.

"He wants nothing to do with me," Nina said, sipping some green tea.

Max sighed. "He's just being stubborn."

"What else can she do?" Tasha asked. "She can't force him to forgive her."

Max leaned forward with his elbows resting on his shoulders. "I'll try to think of something."

Nina shook her head. "Don't bother. I want to do this on my own. Thanks for trying to help, though."

Tasha nodded her head in agreement. "I think it's best if she does it, Max."

"Alright, I'll leave it to you."

Nina smiled. "Thanks."

After Tasha and Max left Nina tried to put a plan in motion to get Tristan to get her back but she couldn't come up with anything. Nina tried to think so more when she heard the doorbell ring.

Nina walked to the door. "Who is it?"

"It's me, Nick."

Nina froze. "What are you doing here?"

"Don't start that disrespectful shit. Open the fucking door."

Nina sighed. She wondered what she could do to get him out of her life.

Nina opened the door to see him standing there with a smile plastered to his face only it didn't reach his eyes.

"Look who I brought," he said.

He stepped out the way and standing behind him was Naomi. She looked like the spitting image of herself except she was wearing a long read weave.

"Naomi, is that you?" Nina asked, taking a step forward but Nick blocked her view again.

"We want you to come back with us," he said.

Nina frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Grandma's gone. You have no one else but us. Come back to live with us," Naomi said.

Nina scoffed. "You can't be serious. You want me to live with the two of you after what he made me do."

"We miss you," Nick said, stepping closer to her.

"What is this? Some sister wives type shit?"

Nick laughed. "Something like that."

"My answer is hell no."

Nick frowned as he stared her down. "You have no choice."

"What are you-"

Tristan grabbed Nina's arm, trying to drag her towards the car.

"Let go of me before I start screaming."

"Go ahead. No one can help you."

"Are you seriously trying to kidnap me?" Nina asked, still trying to remove her arm from his grip.

It all happened in slow motion. Nina widened her eyes when she says police cars and the swat team stop in front of her house.

"What the fuck?" Nick said, releasing his grip on her arm.

Nick and Naomi tried to run towards their car but they stopped when the police pulled out their handguns.

"Get your hands up!" one of the officers shouted.

Nina put her hands in the air but Nick and Naomi pulled out their own guns. Nina couldn't believe what she was seeing.

"Naomi, what are you doing?" she shouted.

What is this? They can't be trying to do some Bonnie and Clyde-type shit.

She couldn't care less what Nick did but Naomi was still her sister and she didn't want to see her killed.

"I love him," Naomi said, with tears pooling in her eyes.

"Put the guns down now or we will shoot!"

"Naomi please put down the gun. He's not worth it," she said, pleading with her eyes.

"Fuck you. I'm not putting shit down," Nick said.

Nick turned around and pointed the gun in her direction. Nina's heart sped up. Her whole body shivered like she was standing in a frozen tundra.

"You set me up didn't you?" Nick asked, disgust on his face.

Nina shook her head. "Please don't shoot me."

"Put the guns down! You have ten seconds" the police officer said.

"Nick, what are you doing?" Naomi asked, with fear etched across her face.

"This bitch set me up," Nick said still aiming the gun at Nina.

"She's my sister. You can't shoot her," Naomi said, pointing the gun at Nick.

"Bye Nina," Nick said.

Before Nina could react she heard two gunshots go off. She felt a stinging pain.

"No," she heard someone shout.

Her vision got blurry and darkness enclosed around her.


This chapter was crazy. Were you guys expecting her to get shot? Let me know what you think. If you enjoyed this chapter, don't forget to comment, vote, and share :).

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