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Nina tried opening her eyes, but it was hard to do so. She was sure they were swollen from crying so hard. She still couldn't believe that her grandmother was dying and there was nothing she could do about it.

The fact that she had called her sister Naomi to share the depressing news, and she didn't pick up also angered her. She had left her a voicemail, and that was hours ago. She had even called her mother but got no response from her.

Nina sighed and trudged into the bathroom. She took a glimpse in the mirror and winced. Not only were her eyes red, but they were also swollen. Nina turned on the faucet and washed her face. She splashed the cold water on her face.

Nina stripped off her pajamas and turned on the hot and cold water of the bathtub to get the perfect temperature. She got into the tub and grabbed her loofah. She put her vanilla-scented body wash on it, inhaling the scent, and scrubbed her body.

She wanted to wash away all the emotions she was feeling, just like the soap that was washing away from her body. Nina continued to scrub her body as she thought of what she would do when she actually lost her grandmother.

Nina turned off the water and stepped out of the tub. She dried herself off with a white cotton towel and lotioned her body with the same vanilla scent as the soap. She wandered back into the bedroom she had used when she was younger.

It still had pictures of some of her favorite artists on the wall. A small table was positioned in front of the window with a small laptop on top. Nina searched through the small closet and got out a pair of blue skinny jeans and a white t-shirt.

She put her braids into a ponytail high atop her head. Nina didn't bother to put on any makeup. She only put lip balm on her lips. Nina walked into the kitchen, where she saw her grandmother humming an old R&B song by Patti Labelle.

Nina watched her cook eggs and continue to sing while scrambling the eggs in the iron skillet. Nina was amazed at how happy she still looked at knowing her time was almost up. Wasn't she afraid?

Now she had to convince her grandmother to come to live with her in Tristan's apartment. She had received a text from him, but she didn't respond. It was around the time her grandmother had told her the bad news.

"Grandma, are you sure there's nothing else we can do?" she asked, sitting down at the table.

"I'm sure. My body and soul are tired. I don't want to go through any more treatments."

"But grandma-"

"Nina, I know you're concerned and scared for me, but this is my decision," she said, placing the eggs on a ceramic plate.

Nina sighed. "I am scared. I don't want to lose you."

Tears prickled her eyes, threatening to fall again.

Grandma placed the pancakes and bacon on the table and sat down across from Nina.

"I know you're scared. I am too, but I want you to know I'll always be with you."

Nina choked on her tears.

Grandma reached across and grabbed her hands.

"Before I die, I want to see you get married to someone who will treat you right. I want to make sure you'll have someone by your side who will take care of you and help you when I'm gone."

Nina's eyes widened, with tears still streaking down her cheeks.

"Is that your wish? To see me get married?" Nina asked, still shocked at the news.

A Second Chance at Love (Millionaire Romance)Where stories live. Discover now