•°☆ First day of High school ☆°•

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Kelsey Gilbert was deep in her slumber, when the door to her bedroom opened and her twin sister Elena marched in the room

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Kelsey Gilbert was deep in her slumber, when the door to her bedroom opened and her twin sister Elena marched in the room. The 3 hours older girl still wore her purple tartan pj's and had her dark brown hair in a messy ponytail when she walked to her sisters window and pushed open the dark purple curtains. She opened the window, letting the sun in, before she jumped in her younger twins bed she kissed her cheek while tickling the girl fully awake.

"Wake up sleepyhead" she whispered in her ear before she spoke again, this time louder than before "Today is our first day of High school" she said excited with a big grin on her face.

She got out of the bed, turned on the radio that was placed on the girls nightstand and was about to leave the room when she turned in the doorway. "I make you a big mug of coffee, two sugars, a small amount soy milk and some caramel syrup. Just how you like it". she said in a sing sang voice with an smile stretched across her face, before she made her way downstairs.

That sentence was all it took to get the ginger haired girl out of  her bed. She  practically ran in the bathroom took a quick shower and brushed her teeth. Before she dried her ginger hair and curled it before she put half of her now curly hair in a little bun and sprayed some hairspray on it.

She quickly walked  to her bedroom and sat down in front of her mirror to do her usual make up. She put some sunscreen on her face and started to apply some rosegold eyeshadow, mascara and her signature strawberry lipstick.

After that the girl got in front of her  closet to look for her favourite cat print dress. When she found it she quickly put it on combined with some fishnets and earrings. She made her bed before going through her jewellery box and slipping on some rings. The Gilbert girl got her phone from the charger and made her way downstairs after putting on her favourite black vans.

When she entered the kitchen she was greeted with her twin sister Elena who handed the girl her favourite 'do I look like a people person to you' mug with some steaming hot coffee in it.

Kelsey took a large sip from it what she regretted the second the hot liquid hit her throat and burned her tongue. "Careful Kat, it's freshly brewed" Elena said while holding her laugh back. Kelsey glared daggers at her before answering "oh really I thought it was cold".

"Girls stop the bickering " John Gilbert their dad said as he walked into the kitchen. He kissed both of his daughters on top of their head before he sat down to eat breakfast. "We are not bickering daddy" Kelsey said with an innocent look on her face.

"Is there any coffee left?" Jeremy asked no one in particular as he entered the kitchen with Isobel their mum trailing behind. He repeated what John did just seconds ago before making his way to the coffee machine and pouring some of the hot liquid in two mugs.

He handed one of them to their mum who took it with a grateful smile and a 'thank you honey '. She drunk half of the mug before walking to her husband and handing him the rest of it. She got on her tiptoes and kissed him on his lips before saying

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