Our story begins in Rosewood, a small town near Phiadelphia in Pennsylvania....
Join Kelsey, her twin sister and her five best friends in their first year of High school.
Friendships are tested, lies told, secrets kept and new friends found.
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The next morning Kelsey awoke 30 minutes earlier than usual. She pushed the blanket of her and got out of bed She got quickly in the bathroom to take a shower and brush her teeth.
When she got back to her room she quickly put on her morning gown and some fluffy socks before she made her way in the kitchen.
She put on the coffee maker and waited patiently for the black goodness to be brewed. When the coffee machine was done she got out her mug and poured the hot liquid into it before she got back into her room.
She got to her cd stand and looked for some music she could put on. She decided on The Offspring's 2000 album 'Conspiracy Of One'.
She put on her favourite track on the cd and turned up the radio. She took a large sip of her coffee before she danced to her closet while singing the lyrics to the song that was playing.
She opened the doors and got out a red black tartan dress that she got a few days back at the mall with Ali. She combined it with fishnets and put on some make up before she took another sip from her coffee.
She was about to put in some earrings. When she heard a knock on the door. The door opened and Elena peered in a confused look on her face as she opened the door a little wider.
"You are up earlier than usual and you are in a good mood." Elena stated with squinted eyes as she slipped into her twins room and closed the door "Who are you and what did you do to my sister?" She asked half jokingly as she eyed the girl before her.
Kelsey rolled her eyes with a small smile on her lips. "Not funny, Lena." Kelsey responded as she put the things she needed for today in her backpack.
Elena who had now also a smile on her face asked again "Seriously, are you some kind of alien or are you possessed?" Elena asked with wide eyes in a mocking way. As she looked again at her sister.
"Because that is the only explanation for me being in a good mood." Kelsey answered as she looked for some shoes she could wear. She decided on some black heeled boots. She spun around and took a seat on her bed to put said shoes on.
She got up, turned off the radio got her phone from the charger and put on her backpack. As Elena eyed her sister with confusion on her face.
Kelsey brushed by her and opened the door as she said. "If you excuse me I have somewhere to be" while making her way downstairs.
Still confused Elena trailed behind her sister downstairs. "School begins in like 50 minutes. Where are you going?" She asked her sister suspiciously as they entered the living room.
Kelsey put her now empty mug in the sink before making her way to the front door. "Oh you know the usual getting a coffee, mentally preparing for school and that kind of things." She said as she slipped out of the door.
She practically pushed the door into Elenas face with a 'bye Lena see you in school'. Leaving her totally confused.
She walked through the neighbourhood In silence when suddenly her phone rang. She got it out and looked at the number not remembering it. She thought for a second before answering the call.