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On Friday morning in school

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On Friday morning in school

Kelsey currently sat in her first class of the day which was history trying her hardest to keep her eyes open as she listened to Mr. Tanner their history teacher going on about the history of Pennsylvania.

She couldn't sleep the previous night due to her insomnia and the boring subject of the lesson didn't help at all.

"Pennsylvania's history of human habitation extends to thousands of years before the foundation of the colonial Province of Pennsylvania."
Mr Tanner said as he sat on his desk looking at his students.

His gaze lingered on Kelsey who dozed with her head on her history book.
Quietly he wanderd trough the class coming to a stop in front of her table.

He cleared his throat before speaking in a loud voice. "Miss Gilbert can you tell us when the colonial Province of Pennsylvania was founded?" He asked making the girl jump out of her skin as she opened her eyes and looked up at him.

"What?" She asked confused while sitting straight up in her chair.

" I asked you if you can tell us when the colonial Province of Pennsylvania was founded." He repeated his question while crossing his arms over his chest an expectingly look on his face.

Kelsey looked at her twin who sat beside her with hopeful eyes that maybe she knew the answer, but she shook her head. She shifted her eyes back to Mr Tanner before answering.

"I don't know"

Mr Tanner raised his eyebrows at her with a sour expression on his face.
"I assumed you knew all about the history of Pennsylvania seeing as you decided to take a nap during my lesson"
He said with a frown on his face before he made his way back to his desk.

He turend to his class and sat down on his previous spot on his desk
before he asked his students. "Does someone know the answer to my previous question?" He looked through the room before he spotted Spencer Hastings who raised her arm.

"Miss Hastings enlight us" he said while pointing at her. Spencer lowered her arm before she responded to the teachers question. "In 1681 sir.

Mr Tanner had a proud smile on his face as he answered "That is right Miss Hastings."

After that sentence the bell rang announcing that the lesson was over.
The students gathered their things and rushed out of the classroom. Kelsey, Spencer and Elena were about to leave when Mr Tanner called out.

"Miss Gilbert can I talk to you for a second." Elena turned in her tracks and looked at the teacher confused. "Not you Elena I mean your sister."

Kelsey rolled her eyes and let out a huff as she faced the man an expectingly look on her face. "This is a warning. If I catch you again sleeping in my class, it is detention for you!"

Kelsey put on a fake smile and said "whatever" before she rushed out the classroom Elena and Spencer behind her.

They walked trough the hallway as Kelsey spoke up. " Mr Tanner is such a twat, I hate him." She spat angry as they reached the lockers

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2023 ⏰

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