A Change of Pace

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It was supposed to be another job. Get in, kill the target, get out, and collect the payment. But it turns out life had other plans for me, and I was going to listen to them, whether I liked it or not.

I am a mercenary, a gun for hire if you will, I prefer the term bounty hunter but to each their own I suppose. Something about it adds some character to my otherwise head hunter of a career. My current hunting grounds are the mean streets of Gotham, it's in a place like this that my kind thrives. A mercenary has an endless amount of job opportunities and I happened to land one with one of the biggest names in the city. Carmine Falcone, the head of one of the largest criminal organizations in the country.

He had connections everywhere, the police force, the DAs office, politicians, judges.,

After all, everyone in this city has a price tag. It just so happens to be Carmine is the only willing and able to pay it.

Anyway, Falcone wanted a politician dead, apparently, the two weren't seeing "eye to eye" as he phrased it, so I was sent to eliminate the problem. Simple, nothing that I hadn't done before. You see, being a bounty hunter is the only lifestyle I have ever lived, my life before this one seems like a distant memory. Because of this, I am regarded as one of the best in my profession, my experience and skill set make me a sought-after commodity. But, truth be told, I have been thinking about quitting.

I've grown bored. Hunting down person after person, killing fathers and mothers just to make some cash. At first, I did it for survival, a way to keep myself off the streets and warm food in my stomach. Yet as time went on I think I used that as a excuse. Part of me enjoyed the hunt, the challenge, but another part of me felt conflicted about my...life decisions.

So that's why I decided to slowly back out of the head-hunting business altogether. Doing fewer and fewer contracts as time went on. And now today was finally the day. The day when I would take one last head.

One last job.

Upon arriving at the location of the target's supposed location I noticed a few things wrong. One of the windows was broken and several pieces of furniture were broken and destroyed. There were also severe songs of some type of altercation going on, whether it was his target or an unknown assailant, I did not know.

However, I soon found a trail of blood and slowly began to follow it. The trail led to a room that was hidden by a locked door, so with a loud kick, the door flew open and I walked inside. Now comes the part of the job that I hate the most. Complications.

The first complication I ran into was with the state of my victim. You see, he was already dead when I got entered the room, how long he had been in this state, was a question that I did not have an answer to. But what this does tell me is that Falcone hired someone else to do the job and didn't tell me. Or there is a new merc in town that's being hired to move on Falcone's turf, without Falcone knowing about it.

The bastard didn't even leave anything behind for me to track him with, the blood form earlier belongs to the victim.

My next problem came in the form of Batman. Most of the time, I can get in and out before ever having to confront the bat. But, due to the unforeseen murder of my target, I was accused of killing the poor bastard.

"What are you doing here?" He asked me in an accusing tone. His body language was hard to read, but I could tell he was ready to fight at the first sign of trouble that I give him.

"I was here for a job but it looks like someone got to him before I could." We both looked at each other for a moment, neither one of us saying anything. In all he isn't, Batman was the last person I wanted to fight, his reputation proceeds him and I would much like to not have an avoidable hospital visit tonight.

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