Nighttime Resolve

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He stood in front of the entrance to the hideout Bruce mentioned, the coordinates he gave led him right to it. Isaac noticed how alive the park seemed, almost as if nature herself was alive and sentient. He felt watched, almost as if there was something hidden in the greenery watching every move he made. Isaac wanted it to be Lily but he couldn't let his hopes get up, the fear of disappointment was too great.

"I know Bruce mentioned he'd call another leaguer but I'm not sure how much longer I can wait, besides..."

Isaac untucked his shirt and pulled out two Beretta 92FS Inox pistols, which had been hidden under his shirt.

"I don't need metal mini boomerangs to cake care business."

He looked over his handgun, inspecting for any faults or anything that might impede the weapon's performance. His thoughts drifted to Lily and what he would find behind the door. Would she be the same little girl he remembered?

Isaac took a deep breath, steeling himself for what lay ahead. He tightened his grip on the Glock, its cool metal bringing a sense of familiarity and reassurance. With his mind consumed by thoughts of Lily, he approached the hideout's entrance.


He turned around and drew his weapon, breathing calmly and eyes focused.

"I strongly suggest to you that you make yourself known or-"

"Isaac? Batman called and said you would need assistance dealing with an important matter. Is everything ok?"

Batman decided to send Wonder Woman of all people to help Isaac out. It wasn't that he was grateful because he is, but her skillset seemed to outweigh the mission she was given.

As she approached, Isaac couldn't help but notice the woman's striking features. She towered over those around her, with long, slender limbs and a regal posture. Her fair skin glowed in the sunlight, highlighting her sharp cheekbones and full lips. Waist-length black hair cascaded down her back like a dark waterfall, framing piercing blue eyes that seemed to hold a hint of mischief.

Broad shoulders and a confident stance completed her powerful appearance. Though he had seen her countless times on television, seeing her in person was a whole other experience for Isaac. He couldn't imagine ever forgetting this captivating woman.

"Me? Peachy. Next time, don't sneak up on me like that, you're lucky I didn't shoot you." Isaac holstered his handgun and made his way to Wonder Woman.

"You're a funny mortal, consider yourself lucky I let you point that weapon at me for as long as you did. Batman didn't tell me you were a comedian," she joked. Her tone was half threatening and half serious, a tone that slightly unnerved Isaac. "Your form is good assassin, but not that good."

"Yeah well Bruce isn't known for his love of showing happiness, or joy, or well anything besides brooding and sulking. Did he tell you what's going on?"

Diana laughed before responding, "Yes, he informed me that you were looking for your lost daughter, my apologies." Isaac smiled and waved her off "No it's okay, but that pretty much covers it. I don't know how you're able to be here but thank you, I know you probably have better stuff to do saving the world and all but thanks."

"Oh forgive me I did not introduce myself, my name is Diana Prince. Bruce must trust you very much to share his name with you, being the recluse he is."

Isaac smiled, "Yeah well, we have a kid together, so he had no choice. If you're ready hen we can go ahead and get this mission on the way."

He walked towards the entrance and the door opened with a loud groan. Steeling his nerves and purposefully lowering his hopes to not be disappointed, he walked through the door but not without adding, "And just so you know I would get a shot off before you could block it with your magic jewelry."

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