Team Training

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This chapter might be shorter than others, so I apologize for that. I feel as though sometimes I try and stretch out my chapters so I meet some kind of word quota, because of that I feel like my story might suffer at some points. Ive been reading several stories for inspiration and I noticed how the chapter length might fluctuate but the writing is consistent, so im going to be trying to shoot for that.




Dinah hummed to herself, deep in thought, as she stood off to the side as she watched the young justice team train. Each member was doing a type of training that helped to improve their own skillset. She wanted to see how well they performed when using their strengths, Dinah also wanted to see their weaknesses.

The archery range was unlike anything Artemis had ever seen before, with its holographic targets that could be adjusted to any level of difficulty. Without hesitation, she selected the most challenging setting, causing the targets to move at lightning speed. Her muscles tensed and she took a deep breath, relishing in the thrill, of a difficult challenge. As she released her arrows, they flew with precision and hit the bullseye on every target except one.

"Damnit!" she cursed to herself.

"Would you look that, Robin Hood isn't such a good shot after all," Wally teased.

Artemis swiftly retrieved an arrow from her quiver and took aim. With a calculated shot, she grazed his arm, leaving a small tear in the fabric of his suit. A satisfied smirk spread across her face before she resumed her intense training with her bow and arrows. The sound of twanging strings echoed through the training room as she focused on perfecting her aim and precision.

Meanwhile, as Artemis continued her rigorous training, Dinah's attention shifted to another member of the team. Super boy stood in the center of a large, padded arena, his muscular frame glistening with sweat. His opponent, Miss Martian, faced him with determination in her eyes.

Dinah couldn't help but admire the contrast between the two. Super boy's brute strength and Miss Martian's versatile shape-shifting abilities made for an intriguing matchup. It was a battle of raw power versus adaptability, and she was eager to see who would come out on top. She was also impressed that Megan was willing to participate in this fight, she didn't think Megan would ever voluntarily sign up for physical sparring.

Miss Martian wasted no time, morphing into a colossal creature with massive tentacles that stretched across the arena. She lunged at Superboy, attempting to ensnare him within her grip. But he swiftly dodged her attack, his movements fueled by years of combat experience.

With a powerful leap, Superboy landed behind Miss Martian and delivered a blow to her back. The impact sent her crashing into the padded wall, in front of her. She saw the look of regret on his face, having that much power and no control was bound to cause.

"Are you okay?" He asked roughly, reaching his hand out to help her up. Miss Martian winced and then smiled as she grabbed his hand, "A little sore but I'm good.  After all, the enemy won't hold back so I have to get used to it."

She smiled at Superboy who received that she wasn't hurt, although he didn't know why he felt that way. Megan smiled and then realized they were still holding hands, she yanked her hand away and looked down smiling. Thinking the same thing they smiled at each other.

"That was...nice."

Kid Flash was running on some type of treadmill, meant to help improve and manage his speed. As fast as he was, he always felt like he could be faster, and the key to that was managing his output. If he was able to control his speed and dictate how much he used, he might be able to tap into the speed force that much more.

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