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Hello, to the reader that has decided to read this book. This will be where I put most of the information you'll need before starting this book! The only exception is when there is a new season coming out. Those A/n will be about what is different in that season than the others.

Some reasons why I decided to rewrite the book.

Moving on, This book is a rewrite of 'A Timed Life' a wonderful book and my first. Though recently I have discovered a lot of its flaws, it had too many to be able to fix undercover.

It also had some fucked up things happen to Y/n for example them getting pregnant at 14. Now I'm not saying it's bad to have a child at that age, but it just makes me uncomfortable so I thought it made others uncomfortable. Now, this doesn't mean Hayden won't be in this story. He's very much active in this story, he comes differently.

Gender & Sexuality

Now to get around this, the gender of this character is fully gender-neutral. If you don't know what gender-neutral means; it means every gender can enjoy it. Boys, Girls, Non-binary people, etc. I don't care it's just a book after all.

This would mean that the character will use They/Them pronouns all the time. I am doing this because in my other book I made a foolish choice and kept changing the pronouns. Though unlike my other one this one won't change a bit, so don't worry.

Y/n is a huge bisexual saying they have fallen for many fictional characters of all genders. They only seem to struggle to get a crush on a real person. Maybe someone will change that soon?


You, my dear Reader, are a part of the Garmadon family. You're the eldest child of Garmadon and Misako. You're the older sibling to Lloyd Garmadon and twin brother Xavier Garmadon. (You're older by 10 straight minutes). You're older than Xavier by a few minutes. Your uncle is the infamous Sensei Wu. The dream family isn't that right?

Maybe ignore all the trauma that comes with it :)


Your appearance isn't changed in this book other than having green eyes. I'm doing this because I truly believe that every Garmadon has those perfect green eyes that Lloyd has in later seasons. Yeah, you can argue that was because of his powers but just let me have this.

Elemental power

I would've thought that this seemed clear saying you're Garmadon's child. You, my dear, are The Master of Destruction, or otherwise Darkness. The power that only three mortals could ever hold, and you being one of them.

How this power is presented will be changed and added throughout the book. Some things you can do is obviously destroy things, summon things, etc.

There are some abilities that you can do without your elemental power, but we go more in depth with that later in the book.

Ages of the main characters

Now we're getting back to what's important. I didn't change their ages, as I didn't think it needed to be. I did change Lloyd's because I did the age gap wrong in the other book, so now it's fixed.

Y/n: 17
Xavier: 17
Cole: 18
Jay: 17
Kai: 17
Zane: 40 (Saying he is a robot from years before any of the ninjas were born.)
Nya: 15
Lloyd: 11
Hayden: 4

If any of them age up I will tell you their new ages, as I don't believe they stay the same age through all the seasons.

The /'s things (Not sure what to call them)

Y/n= Your name
F/f= favorite food
F/c= favorite color
F/vg= favorite video game
Y/nn= your nickname
H/c= hair color
S/c= skin color
M/n= middle name
Y/n/n= nickname
F/s= favorite snack
P/n= What you'll like to be called as a parent, such as mom, dad, or parent
h/l= how long your hair is.

OCs featuring their looks and pronouns. (You'll learn their personalities and backstory as you read)

Hayden has curly hair that goes down to his shoulders, this is because his P/n doesn't want to cut his hair. His hair is the golden blond that you would see many surfer guys with. His skin was lighter than many of his race, saying he is half white, the other being half Mexican. His eye color was a beautiful dark green with patches of blue you could see if you looked closely. His pronouns are He/Him. Your relationship with him is that he is your adopted son.

Xavier has dark brown hair that was full of curls that reached to the back of his neck. His dark green eyes that could only be seen when a light was shining on them. His skin color is the same or similar to yours. His pronouns are He/Him. Your relationship with him is he is your brother.

Uploading schedule

I'll admit there is no uploading schedule for this book. What I'm deciding to do is spilt seasons into two parts, and once I finish one part I will upload it. This was created because I was lazy and this motivated me to write the chapters. The only 'season' that are not applying to this is DOTD. I will post those only when I'm fully done with them. But it may not always be like that.

The warp up of this A/n

Great job reader! You have gotten through my blubbing! But there is more because the next chapter is for Kirby Morrow. I didn't want to put it here because so much was happening here.

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