The Snake King (5)

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Hey guys, I made a Spotify Playlist based off Y/n Garmadon. The link is below, if you want to suggest any songs I'm very open to adding them!! (Please tell me some, I have no clue what else to add.) (Tell me if you need help with the link, I know Wattpad is weird with links)


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First Person - A few days ago before Can of Worms

The clicking of the keyboard creeks throughout the Bridge. It was late at night, way past midnight, and I hadn't gotten any sleep. I was busy trying to get it right to get it perfect. I was working on a business project on the big screen, something to do with AI! And I was coding the AI! I wasn't sure what we were going to name them, but maybe something nerdy like Pixal or Megabite! Or maybe that's too nerdy, I'll have to search for a name to suggest.

I was too invested in the project, so when I heard another voice, it shook me, "Y/n?" A young feminine voice spoke. I jumped from my position and quickly looked behind me. I noticed Nya with a worried expression, "Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." She apologized.

I took a moment to breathe before responding, "No, no, you're fine. I should've been paying attention." I stand up straight and get a good look at her. She was nervous for one, but I saw what I believe is a blueprint in her hand, "You build?" I ask, pointing to the blueprint.

She quickly looks down at the blueprint before nodding, "I wanted to ask you about that." She starts to unroll the blueprint and puts it on the table. She sits at the table, and I quickly follow her, "I wanted to ask if you can help me build it. I've heard from Lloyd that you own a huge technology company, and well, this seemed up your alley."

I nod a little at her comment as I take a look at the blueprint. To be honest, I wasn't listening to her anymore, I was too amazed. The blueprint was beautiful compared to the ones I have made in the past. I was also amazed that she wanted to build a mech! I haven't seen one of those in forever. There were so many other little details that I was fanning over, but it would go on and on and on... I think you get it.

I look up at Nya with amazement, "Wow. I would love to help you, Nya. This, oh, this is amazing." Nya thanked me, but I took a second to think. Why the heck did she need this? "Nya." I look up from the blueprint.

She looked up from the paper to meet my eyes, "Yes?"

I shake my head a bit in confusion, "Why exactly do you need this?"

Nya stuttered as she tried to make up an excuse for the giant mech but soon sighed and gave up. She looks down at the paper again, her eyes drifting to the side, "I want to become Samurai X."

"Okay," I take a second to think about what I'll say next, "Who is Samurai X?" I ask her softly.

She takes a moment to think about who Samurai X is, "She is a hero who fights with the ninja. She is included in all their missions and isn't pushed aside to do dumb babysitting." I laugh at her comment lightly while she gives me a look. Nya quickly continues, "She is the person people call for help to. She is the person people look up to." She stops to catch her breath, "She is me."

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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