Can of Worms (4)

203 7 6

Warnings: Gore, Angst, and a panic attack.

Warnings: Gore, Angst, and a panic attack

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Y/n was in the living room with Hayden. The TV was streaming Bluey both of them enjoying it even if it was a kid's show. Y/n was also working on their laptop inserting a flash drive into it. This flash drive held every blueprint and coding they have ever created, well not everything but it's a close amount.

It held a very special place in their heart. So when they saw that nearly half of what was stored on it was gone, they were devastated, "What the hell?!" They yelled out in anger with a hint of worry. Y/n's breath started to get uneven slowly freaking out.

Hayden was worried about what his P/n seemed worried about. He might've not been the nicest child this morning, saying he had a massive fit over his food but we won't get into that. "P/n, are you okay?" He asks as he goes over to cuddle with Y/n.

Y/n was quick to shut the laptop and hug Hayden back, "Yes baby. Everything is fine..." Everything would be fine if they didn't lose their job, not that Borg can fire them but this could ruin the company.

Being the kid he is, Hayden didn't question his P/n. He pulls away and goes to his original seat, enjoying the show peacefully.

Y/n was quick to grab their laptop again and start typing away contacting anyone who could help them. Borg, Donatello, and some fellow co-workers. Donatello was a co-worker/assistant to Y/n. Donatello was more of a tech assistant than keeping things in order assistant. They were also childhood friends, not that it's important at the moment.

As Y/n was doing this they could hear a very familiar whistle going through the bounty, it was coming towards them. Y/n looked up to find Lloyd at the doorway of the living room with a cheeky smirk, "Hey guys!" He then turns his head to meet Y/n's eyes, "Y/n, I saw Xavier messing with your computer earlier. I told him not to because you hate us touching your stuff without permission. But he said he didn't have to listen to you, I watched him mess with the 'Projects' files, they sound important." Lloyd said as he was trying not to break under his older sibling's death glare as he continued to speak. "You should check it out, bye!" He quickly walked away trying not to laugh.

When Lloyd left the room he could hear Y/n yell out Xavier's name in anger and leave the room to find him. Leaving Hayden in the room alone and very confused, but he only shrugged and continued to watch the show.

Lloyd sighs. Good thing he did Xavier already or he wouldn't have been able to finish his task. He's always known Y/n to be an explosive person when people break their boundaries, especially towards Xavier. He didn't know why but he and you guys will know in the near future.

Y/n storms around the bounty trying the find their brother. They went into all the rooms on the lower deck until finally met the boys' shared bedroom. They heard the other boys in an argument with each other and blaming each other. That's when they paused, how the hell did all of them get mad over something the other did? The chances of that are incredibly low not that they were doing the math it's just common sense y'know.

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