Rise of Snakes (1)

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First Person

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First Person

The breeze was soft and familiar. The view was full of clouds and the stairs up ahead. My back was in pain from having to carry all of my stuff and my son's. My son panted slightly as he climbed this hell of a staircase. The entrance to the place I call home finally came into view.

The Monastery.

I sigh out of relief of almost being there. The torture is almost done--- key word almost. Maybe not even half, Wu has this thing that when you finish one task you usually have to do another. God that's going to be hell.

"Hayden," I called out to the younger boy in front of me. "Knock on the gate to let Wu know we're here before going in," I informed the young boy he nodded before doing as I asked.

Once he was halfway in he started to open up the gate full way and held it to let me in. I thank the child as I set all my stuff on the ground.

I started to give a few common stretches to get my body used to the lessened weight on my back.

I hear a door open and look up to see Wu at the door smiling at me, "It's good to see you made it back safely. I was starting to get worried." He showed an ounce of concern as he walked over to me and gave me a short hug.

"Would've been faster if you would let me teleport up," I told him in a sassy tone before pulling away.

Wu gave me a short chuckle, "Now where's the fun in that? That makes your training easier and we can't have that." I playfully roll my eyes at the comment at his teasing tone.

"Looking forward to that after I pack back in. Mind looking over Hayden while I do that?" I asked Wu as I picked up some bags.

"I have some other people do it. I'm quite busy." Wu told me as he picked up the small boy and gave him a small hug. I watch as he went to enter some of the many doors and disappeared.

I smile to myself before going to pack up.


I put the last bit of my clothing into a drawer before struggling to shut it because I didn't fold the clothes right, but I'm too lazy to do that.

Once I was done I started to look around my old room or should I say new? It was quite dirty for a room that was left alone for twoish years, and it looked like some spiders got quite comfortable in here. Thank God it wasn't as bad in Hayden's room, he would freak.

I might as well clean it up while I see it now. Most of the cobwebs were on the roof of the room, so I just teleported up to the frame and started to swipe at the webs. I continued doing this until I destroyed them all, I even did some in Hayden's room since it was right next to mine.

As I tried to get down safely I heard one of the doors slam open this made me lose footing and fall on my ass. "Ugh!"

"Intruder!" Someone yelled out as they ran into the room to tackle me farther to the ground. This made me cry out in pain from the sudden weight plus the pain in my butt.

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