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First Person

My brother and I by some miracle got the ninja to all train together, or well kinda. Zane was meditating, that's practically the same thing right? The rest of us are either in a group of two or training alone, I was grouped up with my brother because the rest of the ninja quickly realized how over powered I am compared to them.

Xavier tried to punch me but I quickly block it with my forearm, "Come on, Xavier! I know you got better than that!" I encourage him to go harder on me, I could practically feel his eyes roll.

"You're asking for it." He says right before a quick swing of his leg. Although I didn't have enough time to physically move I did have the time to teleport behind him and get a quick hit on his back. He groans as he slowly drops to the floor shocked by my move, "Damn, you haven't used that move on me in forever." He comments before laughing probably looking back at the time I did it.

I scoff not thinking it was that great of a memory, saying it was--- y'know what? Nevermind.

Xavier must've noticed my discomfort as he turned to look at me from the ground, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I meant it was a pretty nasty move." He explained himself by giving me a soft smile, I couldn't resist giving one back to him.

I got distracted from my brother when I hear a door open and look over to find my uncle. He looks confused but that's because the ninja are actually training. Wu looks over to us and quickly looks at the ninja before back at us. He was asking if we did this, I nodded to him before turning to help Xavier up.

We both watch as the other ninja just do their own thing before Zane got up from his state and starts to mess the others up on their training. First Jay, then Cole, then Kai, and oh no, me.

Zane ended up freezing the whole training course making me fall down from the ice that suddenly appear under me, "Ow!" I groan and don't make an effort to get up.

I quickly realize that Xavier went off to talk to the other boys and Wu. A conversation I want to no part of, they're insulting Zane (just a bit).

Zane skates over to me peacefully (or my field of vision), something I could never do myself. He tilts his head before asking, "Are you alright, Y/n?" He asks that like I didn't fall straight on my ass a moment ago.

"I'm fine, Zane. Just need a moment." I reassure him as I cover my eyes with my arm, so I don't see Zane above me. It makes me feel weak when someone is looking down at me.

"Hm." He thought to himself before walking off to continue training. What an odd fellow, smart but odd.

I recollect myself and get up from the ground. I fell back on my butt a few more times before I just give up and crawl over to a part with no ice.

I get up and walk towards my brother, nearly out of breath from such a small task. "Man, Ice is a bitch." I grumble to myself but was loud enough for Wu to hear.

Wu looked up at me with an unhappy face, "Y/n. No cursing even at your teammates." I try to explain that I wasn't cursing at Zane but was quickly interrupted by a ring from the doorbell.

"Mail!" The boys speaking to Wu yelled out in excitement. They all run to the door and open it for the mailman, they wait patiently for him to give them their mail.

The mailman sighs before starting, "Let's see, a letter from Jay's parents." He retrieves the letter from his bag and gives it to Jay, "Hmm, Kai has a fan letter." The mailman hands it to the boy named, "Oh, something from Cole's father." He hands it to Cole but Cole seemed a bit confused.

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