Never trust a Snake (3)

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Me when trying to write this chapter and try not to feel like it's repeating the same thing over and over and over 😭

Me when trying to write this chapter and try not to feel like it's repeating the same thing over and over and over 😭

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First Person

The air was full of different scents of tea. It was relaxing in some way. Maybe because this is so familiar and safe, I did live here for a portion of time. When I was 14 years old I came here once I left Wu. Definitely not one of my best choices, but if I didn't leave I don't think I would be a co-owner to a tech company.

I was stocking shelves with the help of Xavier. We have decided that I will go back even after what I did. I would have to apologize for acting the way I did, I just hope they forgive me.

The shop was pretty quiet at the moment, Mystakè was not here at the moment. She said she was sending mail to Wu so he could get us. Hayden was asleep, still healing from some of his burns. He is fine other than that, which was good. I'm not sure what I would do without him. I'll probably be killed by his biological parents. Not that it's gonna happen... Heads up they're scary.

I was stocking shelves during my free time. I would've been at the cashier but no one was coming in so I got bored. I was currently stocking up on Tomorrow's tea which is on higher shelves in the back, I'm not sure what it does but Mystakè always kept me away from it. Next was travelers tea, which allows you to travel through Ninjago.

Xavier walked over to me, leaning onto the shelves next to me. "I'm done with my stock, what about you?" Xavier asked with a teasing smile. I wasn't done, most of the teas I got were spread out within the store, I gave him the close-together and lower ones because his arm still hurts and I felt bad. And I might've not been going at my normal pace.

I gave him a quick side glance before responding, "No, I still have seven more to go."

Xavier scoffs, "I don't believe it, I beat you at stocking shelves? Did you rig it?" He crosses his arms giving me a look of suspicion.

I shook my head before grabbing the basket holding the remaining teas and walking to the next shelf, "Not a thing." I set the basket on the floor and grab the teas from this area. I put them in their respective spots.

I could feel Xavier's eye roll from here, "Bull, you gave me the easy ones, didn't you? How are we meant to compete with each other if it's not fair?"

I turned to him and gave him a blank look. Has he forgotten about his arm? Xavier must have read my mind, returning the blank look. "Just because my arm was hurt doesn't mean it's still affecting me. It's good now! I don't even feel pain." Xavier tried to reason with me. He walked towards me again as I picked the basket back up.

I started to walk to the next shelf, only having 5 teas left. Although when I put the basket down Xavier was quick to pick it up, I was quick to respond grabbing one side and tugging it towards myself. But it was useless Xavier has always been strong than me, and my hand ended up slipping causing me to fall back. I fell to the floor hard, "Ow! Hey!" I yelled out in pain and anger.

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