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"Where does seeking justice end and seeking vengeance begin?"
― Paula Stokes, This is How it Happened

Kara and Donna were sitting together on the wall of the city, peering over the ocean as the moonlight played its silver light over the waves. Kara was smiling and laughing when Diana landed gently, a look of dark concern on her face.

"Aunt Diana?" Kara asked, standing slowly, her eyes never wavering.

Diana swallowed twice, then stepped forward and rested her hands on Kara's shoulders. "Kara, I need you to stay calm. I have something to tell you."

"Aunt Diana?" Kara asked again, her body tensing. "What's going on? Is Lena, okay? Alex?"

"Your sisters are fine, Kara." Diana breathed deeply; her voice was shaky when she spoke again. "Your mother is missing."

"Missing? Mom?" Kara's eyes blazed. "Where's Dad? When did..." Donna was suddenly standing by her side, gripping her hand. "Aunt Diana, what is going on?"

"Your father contacted me about twenty minutes ago. Selina missed her scheduled call in and when he went to check her patrol area, he found her ear piece and her wrist unit."

"We have to get back! We need to find her!" Kara yelled. "NOW!" Her hand slipped out of Donna's and the Kryptonian blasted into the night sky.

Diana's head dropped. "Dammit."


Bruce was on the computer in the cave, staring at the huge screen, waiting for the machine to pinpoint Selina's location. He was tapping in another command when he heard the steel deck squeal under the weight of Kara's landing. "Where is she?"

"I don't know, Kara." Bruce answered with a sad sigh. "I have every satellite at my disposal searching."

Kara's eyes flashed red and she snapped. "It isn't enough!" She sped into her locker room and changed into her Huntress uniform. She checked her wig quickly and donned her mask, then from a hover she turned to her father. "I'll find her."

"Kara?" Bruce questioned. "Don't go out there angry."

"Someone has her. Someone could be hurting her." Kara growled. "I am not losing another parent."

Bruce stood, open mouthed, as his Kryptonian daughter rocketed out of the cave.


At the same time, Alex, Maggie and Lena were awakened by the Queen's guard and immediately the three shocked young women were led to the airfield. As their plane lifted off, both heard their father over the radio. "Kara is searching for her now, Diana."

"Hera help us if she finds them." Diana responded darkly.

"Kara's going to kill someone, Lexie." Lena said, still shocked by the night's news.

"I hope so." Alex responded angrily as she stared out the plane's small window. "Wish I could fly."

Diana rubbed her temples with her left hand, and pushed the throttles to full power. "Hermes grant us speed."


Above Gotham, the Huntress hovered, her hearing focusing on heartbeats throughout the city. Her anger was growing every moment as she filtered out another one. "Where are you, mom?"

She continued to concentrate. Flying from one end of the city to the other. Then she stopped. Keying her earpiece she spoke in a short, angry tone. "I found her." She focused on the sound and plummeted to the Earth.


Bruce spoke calmly, coolly into the microphone on his desk. "Kara, hold on, I'll be there soon. I order you to stand..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2022 ⏰

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