Stronger Together

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"We are stronger together, than when we are along"

Walter Payton

"Alex, go get your dad," Selena whispered, as Alfred stepped behind her.

Alex stood slowly and made her way towards the cave's bunk rooms.

Lena and her mother sat very still, staring silently as the blonde girl's eyes slowly fluttered and started to open. Lena held her breath as two frightened blue eyes finally snapped open, focusing first on her, then on her mother. Lena saw a small flash of orange, then it was gone, and the scared girl drew in on herself, sliding back on the gurney and started speaking in a language Lena didn't understand.

Bruce approached slowly, watching the blue eyes as she went on in Kryptonese. Bruce pressed a small button on the back of the computer and waited calmly for the program to catch up with the young girl. Alfred had moved behind the girls while Alex and Lena held their breath, Bruce was watching the computer and Selena never let her eyes waver from the little girl. The computer eventually caught up and the Kryptonian child heard her voice coming from speakers behind her in the wall, but not her language. She scrunched her face up, closing her eyes tightly as she listened to the sounds, trying to recognize them, to understand them.

Bruce recognized the concentration, Clark had done the same thing once before, trying to recall some type of information he carried around in that brain of his. Clark's eidetic memory had allowed him to learn languages and recall data that escaped most people. From her reaction, the girl appeared to have the same ability.

Her face finally relaxed, and she opened her eyes, again they flashed orange and the fear was still evident, she was still babbling, but now the words made some semblance of sense to the five people watching her. "Kal must locate. Protect. Promised. Mother. Father." She started to shake, her nerves becoming evident.

Selena tore her eyes away from the child for a moment to look at Bruce. He looked to his wife and nodded, letting her know he agreed with whatever she was about to try. She stood up slowly, making eye contact with the child. "I'm Selena, what's your name?" She did her best, to keep her voice, the tone of it, gentle and without an ounce of hostility.

The computer automatically translated Selena's introduction into Kryptonese and the girl sitting on the gurney relaxed just a bit. She moved forward slowly, her heels clicking slightly on the grating. She reached the end of the gurney and pointed, asking permission.

Her calmness must have had the desired effect because the girl nodded. Selena smiled, her brown eyes lighting with happiness, and she climbed onto the gurney and sat down cross-legged. Her smile got bigger as the little blonde mimicked her pose.

"Kara," the child whispered, pointing to herself. "Kara Zor-El."

"Selena, Selena Wayne." The Cat said as she held out her hand.

Kara's hand reached out, copying the motion Selena made. They gently grasped each other's fingers and Selena shook Kara's hand, "Welcome to Earth."

"Earth? Kal-El, I have to find Kal. He's a baby, mother made me promise I would take care of him," the words tumbled out of her mouth quickly, and she released Selena's fingers and started to twist her hands together nervously.

Selena glanced over her shoulder at Bruce and silently mimed the word Superman at him, her eyes showing a hint of sadness. Bruce looked to his wife, the sadness and weight of his own parents' death was always there, but now she could see guilt because he was going to bring pain to this innocent child. Bruce broke eye contact first, pinching the bridge of his nose. Selena could almost hear the anguish in his sigh.

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