Sweet? Sixteen

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So distant yet so close. So different yet so similar. That's why I love my sister.

Maxime Lagacé

Lena landed on the rooftop, her soft-soled boots absorbing the sound as her feet hit the gravel. She stood and peered down over the side of the building, her black and red cape fluttering in the wind. Dick Grayson's uniform had been all bright colors, to pull the attention of the criminals towards him and away from his mentor. Lena's costume was darker, it was still all yellows and reds, but not as eye-catching, and the whole uniform was armored. She carried a collapsible staff that Alex had created specifically for her. Her raven-black hair was tied back in a ponytail, lost under the hood, and her green eyes were hidden behind electronic lenses.

"What do you think, little sister?" Alex asked as she walked up beside Lena. She had recently adopted the mantle of Nightwing and was dressed in a red and black suit that was made completely from Wayne Technologies Nanotechnology. Her red hair was hidden as well, as the nano-tech colored it jet black, and her hazel eyes were masked in red. Twin escrima sticks rested in their sheaths on her back.

"Is dad watching?" Lena asked nervously.

"Yes, kitten," Selina answered as she sauntered up beside her daughters, her grey nano-tech suit and mask absorbing the light around her, making her appearance from the darkness of the building's rooftop maintenance shack slightly unnerving to Alex and Lena. "But don't worry, I'm leading patrol tonight."

"Where's Kara?" Alex asked, her sister was normally late for patrols, but tonight was Lena's first official and she was a little disappointed.

"Kara is handling a situation in Crime Alley, she will catch up with you three before you get through sector 5B," Bruce announced over their comms.

"Sorry Robin, I'll be there shortly, problems with some little ones in my sector, I'll catch up soon," Kara's voice sounded in their ears, then they heard the distinctive sound of someone making the mistake of punching their sister. "Gotta go, I'll catch up."

"Someones ending up in traction tonight," Selina smiled. "That child slavery ring in Crime Alley should know better by now than to mess with Huntress."

Crime Alley, Gotham City

"Gotta go, I'll catch up," the purple and black-clad brunette responded as one of the six thugs she was facing caught her with a punch to the side of the head. "You guys never learn do you?"

Fierce blue eyes flashed red for just a moment as Kara Wayne sped into action and quickly put the six men out of commission. She zip-tied their arms and legs and then walked towards the locked van at the back of the alley. Pulling the side door, she heard the lock break and the door hit the wall fifteen feet away. The man guarding the children stepped meekly out of the vehicle and surrendered peacefully. Kara handcuffed him and stepped lightly into the van, smiling sweetly at the six children and one teenager sitting frightened near the back doors. "It's okay, little ones, I'm going to get you somewhere safe."

The oldest of the group, Margarita Sawyer, was sitting cross-legged on the floor, her arms bound behind her back and a cloth stuffed in her mouth. She blinked at Huntress and nodded to get the smaller children out. Kara frowned when she noticed a bruise forming under Maggie's right eye. Alex wouldn't be happy at all.

The police arrived as the last of the small children stepped from the van, and Kara stepped back in and untied Maggie, removing the gag from her mouth. "Ms. Sawyer, you have to stop doing this by yourself," Kara admonished the girl. "I've told you, I am getting this under control."

"Today was Lena's birthday, Kara," Maggie spoke, holding her cheek. "I didn't think you guys would be on patrol tonight."

"Ms. Sawyer, the police are right outside," Kara reminded her friend. Then she whispered, "Alex is not going to be happy."

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