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"I sustain myself with the love of family."

Maya Angelou

Selena yawned, her dark eyes slowly closing and her head falling forward on her chest, as the night caught up with her.

"Girls, I'm going to take your mom to bed, and try to grab a quick nap," Bruce whispered to the girls. "Why don't you take Kara down to the TV room and watch something. I'll have Alfred wake me in a few hours, so we can figure out what to do about the newest member of our family."

Lifting his wife, Bruce made his way up the stairs, pausing long enough to speak to Alfred, then continued on to his and Selena's bedroom, settled her down in bed, then joined her, falling asleep in minutes.

"Does he have powers like me?" Kara asked innocently.

Lena looked at Kara confused, and Alex thought for a second, then both girls smiled as they realized what Kara meant. "No, no Kara, he is human. He has worked really hard to be strong, but he isn't as powerful as you."

Kara looked a bit crestfallen, "Oh, am I the only one on Earth with powers?"

Lena smiled, as she stood up and took Kara's hand, "no, you are not the only one, there is a really cool documentary on TV about some of the heroes on Earth."

Alex rolled her eyes, "Oh no, not again. You just want to watch Aunt Diana's interview."

Lena looked over at her sister and stuck her tongue out, "it's a good interview, and you like Aunt Diana just as much as me."

"True, but can we please skip Barry's interview this time, he babbles too much," Alex whined.

"No, Kara deserves to see the whole thing, and besides, he doesn't babble that much," Lena smiled.

The girls made their way to the TV room, stretching out on the large couches that Selena has installed versus the leather recliners that had originally come with the room. Alex pulled out bottles of water and Lena grabbed the remote, clicking the TV on and starting the show.

Kara stared at the bottle for a moment, then looked shyly at Alex, "Alex?"

Alex looked over and down at Kara's bottle, "oh, oops." She smiled as she twisted the top, showing Kara how it worked. "Sorry."

"Thank you," Kara smiled as she copied the other girls and put her bottle into a cup holder. Then Lena showed her how to use the remote, allowing Kara to press play.

The video started with an image of Batman swinging across the screen, disappearing into the dark night. The footage changed to a very old film of Wonder Woman, striding across a battlefield during World War II, then other images of Aunt Diana, as Lena described her, drifted across the screen while the narrator asked, "Was she the first? Was this Earth's first meta-human?" More and more images floated across the screen, Night-Owl, the Hangman, Dr. Manhattan, Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern, the Flash, Raven, Starfire, Nightwing, Batman and finally, Kara's cousin Kal, Superman.

Kara's eyes widen at the sight of her crest on the chest of the man in the picture. "Kal?"

Alex sees Kara leaning forward, almost entranced with the picture, "Kar, it's not him, it's just a picture."

Kara sighed as she leaned back, "Did he look like that? Was he that--that imposing?"

Alex thought back to the times she had seen him at the house, the night her parents died, "Yes."

"Alex?" Lena caught her sister's mood shifting.

"It's nothing Lena, he--he was there the night--the night my parents were killed," Alex stuttered.

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