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"Sisters are probably the most competitive relationship within the family, but once the sisters are grown, it becomes the strongest relationship."


Twelve-year-old Lena was looking out of her 3rd story window when a flaming object soared over the mansion. It flew low over the lake and crashed into the woods not far from the entrance to the cave. She ran across the hardwood floors of her bedroom, stopping long enough to grab her leather jacket and her converse. She was bouncing on one foot trying to tie the second one when there was a knock at her door. She hopped over to it and found herself staring at the feet of her sister, Alexandra.

"Lena, did you see that—whatever it was? It landed by the cave on the other side of the lake." Alex yelled, clearly as excited as Lena, since she still had one arm out of her jacket and was spinning around trying to slide her arm in.

"I saw it, do you think anyone else did?" Lena finally got her shoe on and was standing up straight.

"No way, the property is too big and everyone is in bed or down in the city." Alex grinned.

"Shortcut?" Lena grinned back.

"Of course." Alex's cheshire smile got even larger.

They ran down the stairs as silently as possible for two very excited teenage girls and headed for the study. Lena played the correct notes on the piano, and they both watched as the bookshelf slid to the side and headed down using the old metal elevator. Once in the cave, they wove their way around all the gadgets and vehicles, stopping long enough for Lena to grab her staff and Alex to grab her Escrima sticks. They also grabbed their comms and popped them in their ears. Then they shot towards the lake exit, which even at full speed would take them at least 15 minutes to traverse.

They exited the cave exactly 15 minutes later and Alex looked to Lena for directions. Lena turned and looked at the house, judged the direction the object was traveling, turned back towards the forest and pointed, "That way, Lexi." She said pointing in the direction they should travel. Both girls took off at a light jog, heading in the direction Lena indicated.

As they entered the woods, they slowed to a walk and Alex ignited one of her sticks, the electricity crackling but giving the dark forest a blue, otherworldly glow. They move deeper into the woods and begin to see broken and battered trees, creating a pathway. Lena and Alex moved to opposite sides of the path, ducking into the woods and keeping one another in sight. Switching to their personal channel, Alex reminded her younger sister to move slowly and have patience. On her side of the tree line, Lena pouted a bit, then smiled as she slowed her steps, matching her older sister's pace. That's when they both saw the crater and patience, not a virtue either girl possessed a great deal of was thrown to the wind as they rushed to the side of a shallow pit.

Alex peered over the edge, seeing something silver. "It looks like a ship, a little like the one in the cave."

Lena was fascinated, her scientific mind was spinning in hundreds of directions at once. "You don't think it's from the same place do you, Alex?"

"Not sure Lee, let's move a bit closer but switch channels back to primary okay?" Alex was older, and as much as Lena hated to admit it, a natural leader. She switched back to the primary family channel and allowed Alex to help her down the side of the crater. Warily they approached the front of the ship, trying to peek into the crystal cockpit. The ship was just a bit too high, so Alex squatted down and picked up her little sister, giving her a chance to peek over the edge. What Lena saw caused her to gasp.

"There's a girl Alex, there's a girl in here," Lena cried out.

"What?" Alex asked, so surprised she almost lost her balance and dropped Lena.

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