Be That Man

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"Bob," Shelia said.

"I've got to go," I walked right out of her office without giving her a second look.


My walk turned into a light jog as I made my way out of the building without raising any attention. I was determined to save him. All three men were beating up this poor man.

"Hey beat it before we get you and all," one of the men said as they saw me.

"Get away from him," I bellowed to all three of them. They didn't listen and carried on beating him up. I walked up to one of the men and picked him up by the collar and threw him away.

"Leave us alone," the second man said.

I cracked my neck. "Talk again and I will personally make sure you don't pee straight."

"Get him." Two of the men came after me. I sighed with tediousness. I punched one guy down and the second guy went down too. The third guy stood in shock. I picked him up and pinned him against the wall. "I think you've got something that doesn't belong to you!" I said to the third man.

He dropped the victim's bag as he was still pinned to the wall.

"That's better. Now you're all going to wait here whilst I call the cops."

He nodded frantically. I let go of him and watched him drop to the floor. I raced to the injured man handing him back his bag.

"Thank you sir," he wheezed.

"That's okay. I'm calling the ambulance they will be here soon," I reassured him.

I called both the police and the ambulance and kept watch over the men.

When both the police and the ambulance arrived, the cops arrested them. One officer came up to me. "Thank you sir. You are a true hero."

"That's okay officer, I was just doing what any other person would do."

"You sound familiar have we met before?" the officer asked.

"Well I've haven't been arrested if that's what you mean," I joked.

We both laughed and then I remembered I had another interview. I was about to run off but the injured man called for me.

"What is your name?" the man asked.

I held his hand and said, "Bob Parr."

"Thank you Bob Parr!"

I winked at him and hurried off to my last interview of the day. I had such a rush as I traveled to my next interview. This is what I love doing. I love saving people that should be my job.

I was so late for my next interview that they had canceled my appointment but for some reason I didn't care and so I made my way to Jack-Jack's Kindergarten to pick him up.

Violet POV

School had finished for another day and Tony and I were going to the park together. Ella had to go home as she was going out with her family. Tony and I walked hand in hand on our way to the park.

"Violet is everything okay? You haven't been yourself today," Tony said.

I brushed a strand of my hair back behind my ears.

"Well my mom and dad had a fight."

We sat down in our usual spot on a soft patch of grass.

"Parents fight now and then Violet. I mean look at my parents. They're divorced."

Tony gave me a hug and then we kissed.

"You know I love you Violet," he said.

"I do."


Jack-Jack was up on my shoulders as I brought him into the house.

"Okay Buddy, daddy needs a break now."

I gently put Jack-Jack on the ground and went into my office. The builders had made a hidden room, which was activated by pressing a button which was hidden amongst the bookshelves. Lucius recommended we get one so that I could hide all our super stuff in there. I entered the room full of each of our super suits. My blue one was at the center of the room and all the others were behind it. I miss my superhero days but after today, I have shown that I don't need to wear a mask to be a hero. I was going to get out there and do what I do best.  

Violet POV 

I got back from the park and went up to my room. I flopped on my bed and closed my eyes for a second. I heard a rustling noise from my wardrobe. I jerked up slowly, took my pillow and flung it at the wardrobe.


"Dash get out of there!" I yelled.

Dash came out holding my diary.

"Dash that's my diary it's private." I snatched it out of his hands and checked to see if any pages had been read.

Dash smirked at me.

"What!" I said.

"So when are you going to tell mom and dad," Dash said.

"Tell mom and dad what?" I asked.

"That you are dating Tony!"

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