The Bad Guys

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Ella POV

Brad took out his phone and chucked it over to Jack. Jack dialed a number and placed it on speaker.

"Hi dad."

"Son what is it. Pretty busy at the moment."

"Yeah um about that. We're going to have to move forward with the plan."

"What how did they find out?"

"Well Blame Jack dad," Brad blurted out.

"No because Brad actually exposed himself to the speedy one first so technically Brad ruined it."

"No I didn't."

"Enough. Where are they now?"


Jack put us on video and showed us to SloMo.

"That's not all of them. Where's the blonde one?"

"Like I said Brad dealt with him."

"Then what about the two younger ones."

My heart stopped I completely forgot about Demi and Jack-Jack. They were still in the house.

"Leave them alone," I yelled.

"Dad they're just little kids," Brad said.

"Kids with powers," Licker interrupted "Now go and get them."

"Yeah but we don't know where they are?"

"Find them then."

Brad was about to go but Jack stopped him. "Let me bro," with that more copies of him appeared and he just simply nodded to them. They left the room.

"Hey if anyone tries anything. I will suck your powers right out of you like Dash and then we'll see how super you are." Brad seemed like he was serious. I saw Jess trying to go for him but I didn't want to risk it. We needed our powers and without them how would we ever save mom and dad.

"Dash," Violet whimpered.

"I'm sure he will be fine Violet. Don't worry we will find him," I squeezed her hand in reassurance.

Jack-Jack POV

*Rewind to Jack revealing himself*

Demi and I were in her room playing moms and dads.

"I'm the dog and you can be the mom," I declared.



"What was that?" I asked Demi.

"I don't know?"

"Let's see." Demi and I walked halfway down the stairs and stopped. The front door had come off and Brad had streaks of light coming out of his arm.

"Oh sorry about the door but you weren't letting me in" Brad had said. Demi and I sprinted back upstairs and shut her door.

"I want mommy," I said.

"Me too," Demi agreed.

"Brad's the bad guy. Violet said that Jack was the Multiplier."

"Demi they're the bad people and they've got our sisters. We have to save them."

"But how. I can only heal."

"Are you sure? I have several powers and I bet you do too you just don't know it yet."

"Leave them alone" Ella's voice yelled across the house.

"I think they're coming Jack-Jack" Demi told me.

"Nobody takes my family!" I stomped out of the room.

"Jack-Jack hide they'll see you."

"No hiding. They need to go away."

I continued stomping and then I saw Jack coming towards me.

"Hey little guy come with me."


Jack began to run at me, so I levitated in the air right before he could grab me.

Jack banged straight into the wall and collapsed on the floor.

"Yeah. I won!" Not so soon Jack appeared again. There were two Jacks coming for me this time. They saw me levitate and looked at each other. I waved at them and shot lasers out my eyes. They each got hit and fell to the ground.

"He he he."

"Right, it looks like I have to do everything myself." I heard from downstairs. I returned to the floor and sat there with my legs crossed.

Jack appeared shortly after and saw me sitting there surrounded by defeated clones.

"Hey there little guy," he said. "It's me Jack. Your sister wants you." He let out one of his hands. I happily grabbed it and walked with him. Before we reached the stairs I burst into flames and Jack gave out a massive yell.

"AAAHHHH that's hot." I ran through the walls back to Demi's room as I heard other footsteps come up the stairs. My clothes had all burned up so was naked.

"Are you watching them?" A distressed Jack shouted.

"No your clones are."

"Stupid my clones don't have a brain. They just do what I tell them too. Go back down there whilst I find the little brat. Hopefully the girl won't be just as annoying." Jack caressed his hand and repeatedly blew on it.

The footsteps went back down the stairs.

"Demi where are you?" I whispered.

"In my wardrobe?" I went into the wardrobe but Demi pushed me away. "You won't fit in there hide under my bed"

I nodded and hid under the bed.

The door swung open and Jack came barging in.

"Where is the little brat," Jack aimed for the wardrobe Demi was in. I was about to stop him when Brad called from downstairs.

"Jack they've gone!"

"What do you mean they've gone. Well your clones are not in the best state."

Jack groaned and marched back out. That was close I thought to myself.

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