The Help of Edna

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Dash POV

We were on the run. In our suits walking down the street.

"This was a bad idea. Everyone can see us," Jess hissed at us. People were indeed looking at us. Taking videos and pictures.

Violet took out her phone.

"What are you doing?"

"Calling Edna she'll know what to do."

Violet rang Edna.

"Why hello darling what can I do for you?"

"Edna we need your help. Could you pick us up."

"Why sure darling wait there!"

"But you don't ..." Edna had cut off. We waited for her to come, people were still taking pictures.

"Well we might as well say hello," I suggested. I zoomed forward and greeted people and took pictures with them.

"Dash is going to get us caught," Ella said. It wasn't long until a car did arrive. We waved goodbye to the small crowd and hopped in. "Can't believe we are going to Edna's house!" I said.

It didn't take long to get to Edna's, she was already waiting for us.

"Darlings come in come in. Please hurry I think there's a storm headed our way."

We follow her into her amazing mansion still in awe from our previous visit.

"So what is the problem?"

"Edna, SloMo and Licker have taken our parents as prisoners and they are after a file," Ella told her.

"Show her the file Dash," Violet told me. I nodded and searched around for it.

"Ha, maybe I put it in my bag." I started hesitating now. I couldn't find it.

"I swear I had it."

Violet nudged me. "Dash it might still be at the house. Remember when Brad knocked us out."

"Oh yeah! I have to go back for it," I declared.

"No Dash we need to save mom and dad."

"But the file."

"Forget the file Brad and Jack think we have it so they will be looking for us."

"Okay, it's just that I overheard Dad talk about how important it was and to make sure nobody bad ever got it."

"Then why would you take it out, if dad had it locked up safe."

"Because they knew where it was Violet, they were going to take it."

"Children we can worry about the file later now let's find your parents. Follow me."

Edna led us down to her layer. The same layer where we got to view our super suits.

"Edna should we inform the SHNC."

"No darling. Firstly you're children and they will not believe you and secondly if SloMo is a bad person they will know if the SHNC has been alerted and may kill your parents so we have to be clever about this."

Jess stopped in her tracks.

"What's the matter?" Ella asked.

"You knew!" Jess seemed to aim her answer at Edna.

"What?" we all said.

"Edna knew about Brad and Jack and she didn't even say anything.

"What are you talking about Jess?" I asked.

"Remember when we came here last. I saw a picture of Energizer and the Multiplier in Edna's customer list. You designed those suit and when I asked you about them you chucked us out."

Edna sighed and turned to face Jess.

"Yes I knew who they are but business is business and all supers deserve a suit. Once I found out about the bombs I banned them from coming here again."

"Wait bombs?" Violet said..

"Oh you didn't know, I thought you would have known by now. They are the serial bombers who have been damaging the city. SloMo, Licker and their children."

"No they've been helping the city. They saved people from the Underminer."

"Yes so they can gain people's trust which is what they did. Come children, I will explain more."

We followed her into her layer after getting passed her security.

She plonked herself on the desk chair and logged into a database.

"Every suit I make I add a tracking device."

"No doubt at least one of your parents will be wearing their suit so let's see."

Edna began typing at quite some speed. The location showed that from Honey's suit they were in an old warehouse about 15 minutes from here.

"Violet do you remember the bomb that was at that party."

Violet screwed her face. "I think so. It was pink no purple with a white line across it." She didn't sound sure.

Edna switched the screen to the infamous bomb that had been following us around.

"Is this it?"

"Yes," Violet stated. "That's the bomb."

Edna pressed more buttons.

"There's the same bomb on that train your father didn't destroy in time and there it is again in Harry's antique shop. "

"They've been bombing the city?" Violet asked.

Edna shook her head.

"No the bombs have been for us," Ella answered.

Edna nodded.


"That I don't know. All I know is that they must have been planning it for some time and wanted you to find those bombs. Why else would they set the time long enough for you to find them."

Jess went on Edna's computer but I didn't know what she was doing. We all stood and watched as she did her magic. It was soon clear to see that she was hacking into the CCTV of the warehouse.

"I'm in and boy is that one big warehouse."

We all looked at the screen. So many guards it's like they were expecting us. Jess switched cameras inside and there were our parents.

"Mommy, Daddy," Demi screamed. Jess comforted her.

"Don't worry Demi we are going to save them."

Violet frowned.

"Look at what they are locked up in. Do you remember? That's what Syndrome locked us up in. I was the only one who could get us out," Violet said to me.

"We will leave tomorrow morning," Ella said. "Edna could you look after Demi and Jack-Jack for us."

"It would be my pleasure."


The next morning was hectic. Jack-Jack and Demi didn't look too pleased. Ella and Violet had to do their best to convince them to stay because they were having none of it. I, on the other hand, was so worried about the file. What if Brad and Jack had got their hands on it. It wouldn't be the best thing to risk on. As we were about to leave Edna stopped us.

"Wait Darlings how on earth are you to get there?"

We didn't think of that.

Edna revealed a key and pressed it. A car emerged and opened it's doors.

"Get in Darlings. I will be driving it from my office. It's quite safe; I've done it many of time."

We all looked at each other and jumped in the car. This would be a first.

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