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Violet POV

We were hiding downstairs. We all split up in hope that they couldn't find us all. I hope Jack-Jack was alright because I heard lots of screaming.

"Brad we only need the Parr kids," I overheard Jack say from the hallway. Why did they need us?

"Well you've got one." I shook my head in disbelief. Dash's voice boomed across the house.

I tiptoed out from behind the sofa and peered to see Dash standing there face to face with Jack and Brad.

What am I doing I can turn invisible I said to myself. I made myself invisible and watched from the living room door.

"I thought you said you took his powers away!" Jack said to Brad.

"Oh he did but I guess someone with my kind of powers can get them back far more quickly than the average person does."

There was a distinctive beeping noise which I only just noticed.

Dash sped left then right.

"I know why you need us. You need us to show you where the file is," Dash stated.

"What?" I said in confusion. I stood behind Dash.

"The file's here; the tablets beeping," Brad announced.

"Of course it's here, I've got it and you're not going to have it."

"What is this file Dash?" I appeared out of nowhere causing Jack and Brad to jump.

"Nevermind I'll tell you later. All I know is that we need to rescue mom and dad."

"Right I've had enough," Brad exclaimed. He pushed his hands together in the direction of Dash and I. Dash saw this coming and pushed us aside. Another blast followed. I placed a force field around me to protect myself. A blast hit my force field where it bounced off and hit Jack. Jack fell to the ground.

Jess and Ella joined us to fight off the rest of Jack's clones and Brad. Jess used her telekinesis to move them out the way and Ella used the wind to blow them away. I was fine in holding out force fields trying to cover everyone's backs.

"Enough!" Brad yelled. He stomped his feet and a rift of energy plunged us all back. We toppled on top of each other.

"Give me the file Dash!" he beckoned. We were all too dazed by Brad's attack that we couldn't move. Even Jack was still down. As Brad approached us, he began sucking our powers away one by one. He then went for me but then began randomly shaking and twitching. He made weird noises that echoed throughout the house. He finally dropped to the floor and behind where he stood was Demi who had a watergun in her hand. Demi had saved us. We couldn't move right now but she had saved us from what could have been a disaster. She approached us and touched Ella's chin. Within seconds, I could see Ella begin to move again. Demi carried on doing the same thing to everyone. Demi's healing seemed to have restored our powers back again. Everyone gave Demi a big hug.

"Demi you are a proper hero," Ella said to her sister.

"Where's Jack-Jack?" I asked her.

"He's upstairs."

"Right let's tie these two up and go save our parents," Ella said.

"Let me do the honors" Dash smirked as he quickly tied them both up together.

Jess disappeared into her dad's office and brought back hers, Ella's and Demi's super suit.

"We need to get ours back at the house," I said.

"No need sis," Dash interrupted. He reached for a bag near the front door and revealed our super suits.

"Jack-Jack come down it's alright we're safe."

"NO," Jack-Jack called back.

I rolled my eyes and Dash tossed me Jack-Jack's suit. I went upstairs and found ash and burn marks everywhere. What happened up here? I thought to myself. I heard Jack-Jack mumbling in Demi's room.

"Jack-Jack What happened to your clothes!" I yelled as I entered. I was in shock. Jack-Jack was covered in black stuff and was naked. I helped him get into his suit and brought him downstairs.

"Let's go save our parents!"

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