Chapter 6

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TW: this chapter contains swearing, bullying and sexual assault. If this triggers you please move on to the next chapter. If not happy reading 💕

Peter's POV:
I was frozen. I had no clue what to do. No wonder May wasn't home yet . I stood there not knowing what to do or say. I looked the guy dead in the eye and could see he grip on May grow weaker. I slowly creeped forward and tried communicating with him.
"C'mon man. Put her down and we can talk about this". "YOU RUINED EVERYTHING FOR ME" he shouted. I was confused and let him talk. "I HAD IT ALL PLANNED OUT. I HAD ALL THE SUPPLIES AND AN EXCAPE PLAN BUT YOU. YOU HAD TO COME AND BE A LITTLE HERO AND SAVE THE FUCKING DAY AGAIN!!". The guy went on for some time. Thankfully, He went on long enough, and kept a hold on May, that I could contact Happy. Within the last seconds he was talking he got interrupted. "......ITS TIME TO END IT ALL WITH HER. I HOPE YOU—". He got cut off by Captain Americas shield banging into him. He let go of May and I caught her just in time. I could see she was starting to tear up. "Peter omg", she started to release tears and I held her tight. "Hey kid we got this. Take her home" I heard Sam say . I did what I was told and got May home right away.

A little while later....

"Hey May, how you feeling?" I asked her holding a bowl of soup. May was currently in the living room, processing what had just happened. The guy held on to her so tight she had a huge bruise on her left shoulder. I passed her a pack of peas and she put it on the bruise. I saw her wince during the process. It hurt for her to move so I made dinner tonight. "Oh Peter you didn't have to make me this" she said, still in pain. "It's no issue May, plus I wanted you to try this". She gave me loveable smile and took the bowl from me. I gave her the spoon and she dug in. I watched her as her eyes started to get heavy. I sat with her until she was finished and then walked back into the kitchen. As I was putting the dishes away, I could see her move from the couch to her bedroom. "Night May" I called out. "Night honey, try not to stay up too late". She then walked into her room and closed the door behind her.

I then grabbed myself my own bowl of soup and some water from the tap. I went to sit on the couch and watched mine and Ned's favourite YouTuber Milo. He builds these crazy legos and plays lots of our favourite video games. I was about 2 videos in went I felt myself drift off.

I woke up feeling very sore. Like my whole body had been punched. The couch wasn't the comfiest so that was probably the reason. I also woke up in an awkward position and my arm felt dead. I looked at the time and it was 6:57am. I might as well get up as I have to leave for school in like 30 minutes.

I had a quick shower and put on some jeans and a white t-shirt. My shirt had a 'find x' meme on it which made me laugh as I looked in the mirror. I then went to May's room to see if she was awake. I poked my head in and could see her peacefully asleep. Instead of waking her I just left a note on the table with some breakfast for when she wakes up. I dashed out the door, forgetting to have breakfast and walked to the bus stop.

My head was pounding. Maybe I should have taken a piece of fruit or something. The bus came on time (7.:25) meaning I could get to school, find Ned and Mj then quickly get a snack from the vending machines in the cafeteria.

The bus ride was 10 minutes and I walked the other 5 mins to my school entrance. I decided to go through the second gate entrance, avoiding flash and his friends as they normally waited at the first. I got into school and texted Ned:

Dude where r u ?

Ah man I forgot to tell you, I have an appointment this morning so I'll be coming around 12. Mj is in the library tho

Ah okay. See you later man

I put my phone in my pocket and headed to the library. When I got there the lights were off and there wasn't any sign of MJ. I decided to text her.

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