Chapter 12

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This chapter could trigger some audiences at some points, skip to next chapter if you get triggered easily.

Warning: this chapter contains swearing

Mj's POV:
I woke up cuddled next to Peter. I turned round and checked my phone. The time was 7:50am. Thank god we didn't have school today. I looked through my phone and saw a message from Asher the night before:

Hey I'm at Harry's. We have a tournament in the morning all day so I won't be back till late. There's food in the fridge and money on the table. Feel free to invite peter round. Love you

After reading his message I sat up. I went to the toilet and brushed my teeth. I then did my hair and got some clothes from my closet. I picked out black leggings and found peters t-shirt so grabbed it. I then went back into the bathroom to change.

When I got back to my room Peter was up but still laying in bed. "Morning" he said in a groggy voice. "Morning" I said with a chuckle. He then sat up. I was tidying my bookshelf so half trying to have a conversation with him. "You sleep okay?" He asked. "Yeah alright. You?" I replied back. "Yeah" he said wondering over. "Want some help?" He asked. "No I'm okay, thanks though" I said smiling at him. "Okay" he said my pulling hair behind my ear.

"Whats your favourite book you've read" he asked. "This one" I said picking up a good girls guide to murder. "It's about this girl called pip and she investigates this murder that took place in her home town like 5 years ago. The person that was murdered was called Andie bell and everyone thinks her boyfriend killed her. His name was Sal Singh by the way. Sal was like proved guilty and shit so the case closed but pip didn't believe he killed her. Sal also killed himself the night Andie was found murdered. Pip went round asking people friends and who were relatives to the two. Some stories matched but others were different. But I'm not telling you what pip found out in case you decide to read the book" as I finished rambling I looked up to see Peter staring at me. "What" I said blushing a little. "Nothing" he said looking away. I turned his face to look back at me. "Why were you staring" I said chuckling. "No reason" he said trying to hide a smile. "Tell me" I said laughing now. "Nah it's cringey" he said uncrossing his legs. "I don't care, tell me" I said now pleading. "Fine." There was a long pause. "Your just so beautiful" he said. I blushed and leant over and gave him a kiss. As we pulled away I heard my phone go off. Peter got up and grabbed it. I then went back to doing my bookshelf.

Peters POV:
As I picked up Mj's phone I saw 2 messages, 1 from Betty and another from Eva. "Who is it?" She asked. "Betty" I said with a chuckle. She laughed, "what she say". "Dunno, what's your password?" I asked her. "Your birthday" she said picking up another book. I smiled and typed it in. "She said, 'hey Mj! Are you free today to come round? We are having a little study group with me, Cindy, Abraham, Cleo, Eva , josh and monty. Fancy joining?'" . I saw Mj's face Change when I mentioned Cindy and Eva. "Uh.. no tell her I'm busy" she said. "Okay" I said. After typing the message I quickly saw what Eva had said to her:

Mj are you coming for that study group thing?
I think you should as your like the dumbest fucking person In our class. Oh and the least likeable. Betty probs only asked you coz she felt sorry for you and like not having any friends.
God your such a loner lol

"Peter are you okay?" Mj asked. I was clenching my jaw and she noticed. "Yeah yeah I'm all good, just reading a message Eva just sent you". Her eyes widened and she got up. I put her phone behind my back. "Peter give me my phone" she said slightly raising her voice. "Not until you tell me why she's texting you" I said. She was trying to get her phone still. "Please, it doesn't matter" she said. "It does Mj! If she's hurting you I need to know" i said yelling. She stopped getting her phone and just sat on her bed. I sat beside her. She snatched her phone and read the message. She rolled her eyes and just looked at me.
"I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to worry. She's just a bitch" she said. I tried holding her hand but she pulled away. "I'm gonna worry. And you have to accept the fact that I care about you Mj. I'm not gonna let some girl tear you down, okay?" I said softly. She nodded. I pulled her in close and she sat on my lap "God high-schools a dick" she said hugging my neck. "Yeah I know" I said chuckling. "But I'm always here okay" I said. She sighed. "I know" she said. "I love you" she then said. I kissed her cheek, "I love you too".

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