Chapter 14

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Mj's POV:
It's been a couple weeks since my date with Peter and things between us have been going pretty good. Eva has still been bothering me but I've been dealing with it. Peter thought she had calmed down but she'd gotten worse. But I didn't let him know that. He also hasn't come round mine for a while. He was meant to on Wednesday but Eva made me so annoyed and just made me  cry. I can't believe I let her get to me. I woke up puffy eyed  that morning and really didn't want to go to school.

Dad had been in touch. But not in a nice way. He stormed into the house the other week and I was by myself. When I saw him It was a big shock. He started off yelling and then it got more..... violent. It started off with a few pushes until I ended up on the floor. Thankfully Peter came through my window  at the right time. He heard me screaming and ran into the living room. He wasn't in his Spider-Man suit but in joggers and one of my t-shirts. He said he was wearing them underneath and quickly got his suit off. He pushed my dad back and yelled, "GET THE FUCK OUT. YOU LAY A FINGER ON HER AGIAN AND YOU'LL SEE WHAT HAPPENS!" . Dad yelled at him more until Peter physically pulled him out the house. He then took me into his arms and waited for Asher to come home.

Apart from that and Eva, everything was pretty chill. I'd noticed Peter had gotten a little more protective over me. It was just the little things. Like tightening a grip on my hand when we were out, or defending me quicker than I could when Eva or someone said something. It was nice to know that I had someone who could do that for me.

Monday morning......

I was so tired waking up this morning. I'd stayed up until late reading. My eyes got tired and I couldn't keep them open anymore. The first thing I did was check my phone and see a text from Peter:

Morning ❤️

Sup loser xx

Want me to walk to urs?x

Yeah, come in like 10 mins xx

Leaving now love you xx

Love you too xx

I put my phone down, got ready, had breakfast and waited. The time was 7:23am and I heard a knock at the door. I opened it revealing Peter. "Hey mish" he said pulling me into a hug. "Hi" I said into his ear. We pulled away and he stepped into my house. "Where's ash?" He asked. "At his friends" I said stretching. "Perfect" he said. He then attached his lips with mine and pushed me back onto the couch. He wrapped his arms round me and we made out for a while. He then pulled away breathless and laid on my chest. I set an alarm so we could leave at the right time.

*beeeeppp......beeeeepppp.......beeeepppp* was the sound my Alexa made. "Alexa turn off" I said quite loudly. Peter then got off my chest and picked up his bag. I then picked up mine and caught him staring. "What" I said smiling. "Nothing" he said shying away. I then crept closer as he bent down to put his books in his bag. I bent down and kissed him. "For?" He asked. "No reason" I said with a chuckle. I then heard little paws running and turned to see coco coming toward us. "Heya" I said in a high pitched voice. Peter started stroking her. "She's so soft" he said. "I know right!" I said laughing. I then sat down and she sat on my legs. "I need to fill up her food bowl" I said giving her to Peter. "Ok I'll be here" he said.

As I got the food out the cupboard I heard my phone go off. I got a little worried and rushed back into the room Peter was in. "Hey" I said. "Hey. Someone texted you but I can't see who" he said handing me my phone. I completely forgot I changed my password, I didn't want Peter seeing Eva's messages. I quickly looked at the text:

You coming in today? I'll be waiting by your locker loser

I sighed. "You alright?" Peter asked concerned. "Yeah all good. We should get going" I said. Peter then got up and picked up my bag. "Let's go then" he said rubbing my back. We then walked out the front door and down the road. Peter gave me one of his AirPods and Listened to our playlist.

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