Chapter 26

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Mj's POV:

The first thing I said was, "No. we really don't". I got up and started to walk away. "Michelle please, just give me a chance" he said grabbing my arm. I pulled away harshly and stepped back. "I gave you a chance" I said. I saw him sigh as I walked off back to the hotel.

Peter's POV:

After Mj ran off everyone went quiet. Mr Harington went off to speak to Ned and Gwen for their 'behaviour'. Me and Betty sat down and waited for them to finish so we could go back to the hotel. All of a sudden, I heard my name being practically yelled.

I looked up to see Mj's dad in front of me. I stood up very quickly. "Mr Jones what on earth are you doing here?" I asked a little shocked. "I need to talk to you Peter" he said. Me and Betty shared a confused look. Mr Harington came rushing over. "Excuse me, who are you?" He asked Mr Jones. "It's fine sir. Can I have a quick chat with him?" I asked. "Well Peter I'm afraid not. It's my job to keep you safe. I don't know this man and we can't have a student running off. Not again". There was a brief pause. "Just tell my baby I need to speak with her. Tell her I'll make it up to her" Mj's dad said nearly in tears. "Sir I am going to have to ask you to leave" Mr Harington said. He nodded and walked out the venue.

I turned back to Betty. "That was weird" she said. I nodded in agreement. "Right, what an eventful night. We better head back it's getting a little late and we need to make it to dinner." Mr Harington then said. Everyone nodded. "Peter, Betty would you to mind calling Michelle" Sir asked us. "yeah" we said in sync. "Can't we leave her here" Gwen said under her breath. Little did she know I have enhanced hearing. I gave her look. Betty and I then walked outside as it had better signal.

Betty called her 3 times and got no answer. "Hey, you try text her. She'll 100% reply" Betty said. I got my phone out and messaged her:

I love you

It was the only thing I could think of.

your so cringey Parker.

Where are you?

At the hotel. Currently in my room

👍🏻 we're heading over

I want a hug

who's the cringey one now

Mish:                                                                                                                                                                        shut up

"Shes at the hotel" I said. "Told you she'd answer you" Betty said rolling her eyes playfully. I chuckled and we ran over to everyone else and said we're good to go.

Once at the hotel I dashed up the stairs to Mj and Betty's room. Betty told me she'd stay downstairs with Emmy while I spoke to Mj.

I used the keycard and walked inside. Mj was sitting on her bed with a hoodie and joggers on. She had a blanket wrapped round her and was reading. She spotted me straight away. She gestured for me to sit.

"Heya" I said. I sat beside her and put my arms round her. She laid her head on my chest. "Hi" she said in a whisper. "You feeling okay?" I asked stroking her head gently. I felt her shake her head. "You wanna talk about it?" I asked. She got off me and crossed her legs opposite me.

"I messed up for the team" she said. "What? No no you didn't" I said. "Yes I did. I got the answer wrong. Everyone probably hates me" she said looking down. "We all get nervous. No one's blaming you" I said trying to comfort her. "Gwen and Ned are" she said. "Who cares about them. Be happy to making it that far in the competition" I said. Mj shrugged. "C'mon Mj. Don't overthink it please" I said taking her hand into mine. She stroked her thumb over mine. However there was one more thing we had to speak about.

"Your dad was there" I said. "I know" she said giving me a weak smile. "He tried talking to me" she said. "What he say?" I asked. "Just to give him a chance. I basically said no" Mj said sighing at the end. "He came over to me. Harrington didn't let him speak though" I said. She nodded. "I don't wanna talk to him" she said quickly. "Fair enough" I said. "I don't want him in my life anymore" she then said. I nodded. "Ok" I said.

After a little while, Mj put her head on my chest again. I tightened my arms around her and ran my fingers through her hair. "Thanks" she whispered. "For what?"  I asked. "Not telling me to go speak to him and that he still loves me and shit" she said. "Yeah well from the interactions I've had with him, he isn't a very nice person and I'm not gonna force you slash talk you into doing something that you don't want to do. You get me?" I said. She nodded and buried her head into my chest more.

MJ's POV:                                                                                                                                                                              I don't know how long we were laying there for but it felt like forever. And to be completely honest I needed it. God I didn't deserve Peter. The one thing on my mind was my dad was there today. It had been playing on my mind and part of me didn't want to tell Jessie. Considering the fact she literally hated his guts things wouldn't go well.

My thoughts were soon cleared by 3 knocks on the door.

"I'll get it" Peter said. I got off him and he went to see who knocked. To both our surprises it was Ned. "hey" he said peering inside. "hey" Peter said dryly. "can we help you?" Peter asked after a silent pause. "Can I talk to you guys" Ned said with a face of guilt. Peter looked back at me and I shrugged. After a few seconds Peter let him inside. He sat on Betty's bed facing both of us.

"Look, I've spoken to Betty. I've been a dick to you guys. she made me realise that. You guys mean the world. Especially you peter". Peter's eyes widened. "..I wanna make it up to guys. I'll honestly try anything. If it makes it better I yelled at Gwen for you MJ" Ned said. "Oh you didn't need to. What she do?" I asked. "Just saying a bunch of shit about you guys" he said. Peter and I shared a look.

"How come your being so nice now?" Peter asked. Ned sighed. "I miss you guys. And I hate not speaking to you" he said. I half smiled. "I don't know man" Peter said. "I dunno if I can trust you" he continued. "Please. Just give me a chance" he said. Peter looked at me, I shrugged. "Fine" he said after a pause. "Thank you thank you" Ned said quickly, making his way to Peter.

They stood there awkwardly for a couple seconds until Ned turned round and waved. Walking out the room.

Peter then took a seat next to me. "I'm not buying it" he said.

Heyyyy I'm back!!! It's been a month I think since I last posted lol. I've been quite busy with school and have been having writers block. I dunno if I like the ending to this chapter but hope y'all do. Also....... HAVE YOU GUYS SEEN THE NEW BLACK PANTHER TRAILER!?!? It's soooo good, I can't wait to go watch it ahhh😍😍

Love y'all

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