Unexpected Confessions

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After school Frenchie came over to mine for a sleepover, we usually had them all the time so my parents were okay with me having Frenchie around whenever I wanted. I didn't really think this would be the start to my summer considering the fact that me, Frenchie and Steve had been planning what we were going to do for months but it's better than doing nothing at all plus it means that me and Frenchie can plan to do stuff together instead. 

It was around 3pm when me and Frenchie were sat on my sofa talking, not about anything in particular other than this boy called Walter, he was Frenchie co-worker and to say she had a crush on him was an understatement, the woman was borderline obsessed but it was somewhat sweet I guess however as we were talking Frenchie switched the conversation back on to me "are you sure you're fine after what Steve said?" I nodded, "I mean yeah it upset me but I will get over it, it was just a dumb crush I had on a friend, nothing you know serious" Frenchie looked at me in disbelief "a dumb crush? Ada you would spend half the time we were together as a group gawking at him" I started to laugh "No I did not" Frenchie continued "you did! Swear I caught you drooling once" I threw a pillow at her playfully "Stop" I said between laughs hiding how red my face was going. We eventually both stopped laughing "look all I'm saying is if  you were to have feelings for him, hypothetically speaking of course, it would be okay to be upset. I mean the way he spoke to you was pretty shitty" I sighed for multiple reasons, one because I didn't really want to be talking about Steve again because after the way he made me feel earlier I don't think reflecting on it is helping. I also sighed because two, I knew Frenchie wasn't wrong, I did have feelings for Steve I just couldn't figure them out enough to tell him out of fear of ruining our friendship, I had also never opened up to Frenchie about how I felt either because I didn't want her making a big deal out of what could be nothing.

"I am mad at him" I said "but I would be lying if I said there wasn't a tiny part of me that had feelings for him, I just never felt the need to tell him because I liked being his friend and didn't want that to change plus his whatever it is with Nancy, I was scared of upsetting him" Frenchie smiled at me softly and moved closely to put her arm around me "Ada, it's just a small argument, a disagreement even. I can promise you that we will all be friends again soon and then you can tell him how you feel because even if he doesn't feel the same he still needs to know" I knew Frenchie was right but I still had no idea how we are going to speak to Steve unless we randomly turned up at him house. "How are we even going to speak to him though? I mean he's hardly home anyway" Frenchie smirked "Oh Ada I would've thought you knew me better than that, I always come with a plan" 

After listening to Frenchie's plan I knew it was a bad idea "NO! we are not just going to randomly turn up to his job and ask to speak to him, he will just say no" I couldn't believe we were even having this conversation right now "Relax I know the girl he works with, Robin, she will 100% cover for him and we can speak to him in the back" I couldn't even believe what Frenchie was suggesting "Frenchie, I love you and I get that you're trying to help but we are not going to see him at work" All Frenchie did was smirk and I knew that her suggestion wasn't really a suggestion but she was in fact just telling me what we were about to do.

Before I knew it, Frenchie was dragging me all the way to The Starcourt Mall. "Frenchie I am really not sure about this" she sighed "It will be fine besides if he refuses to talk to us at least we get ice-cream" I can't believe I was even going along with it I mean he literally told me he doesn't really care about what happened so I don't know what confronting him at work is going to do. We finally arrived to Scoops Ahoy, Frenchie looks at me "Ada it will be fineeee" I  rolled my eyes "whatever but if this doesn't work out it's on you".

We walked up to the front to be greeted by someone who I presume is the girl Frenchie was telling me about "Hey Robin" Frenchie said "is Steve here?" Robin nodded "Yeah, I'll go get him" as she went in the back to go grab him, I was wondering what I was going to say as I was kind of just tossed into this situation and I had already asked him the question but I don't know if his answer was 100% honest or he just wanted me to go away. I was then brought away from my thoughts as Steve was stood right in front of me with a look on his face I couldn't read but he definitely didn't look pleased to see me or maybe he was surprised, I truly couldn't tell. Frenchie then broke the silence "I'll leave you two to talk" and with that she went to go sit down "you can come around in the back to talk" Steve said already heading through the door so I followed.

We stood in silence for a while avoiding eye contact as I looked around at all the shelves and boxes "so uhh I don't why Frenchie brought me here to be honest it was her idea, I can go if you want I know you probably don't want to speak to me after our conversation earlier" Steve looked at me as I said this and he looked hurt " no, I do want to talk to you, I would like to better explain myself because I understand that after what happened when I came to your house I kind of owe you an explanation" I gave him a soft smile and propped myself up against a table "I'm all ears" I said still smiling "I really wanted to hang out with you as in just me and you, so I invited you to the movies because it was a simple idea that two friends could do together, I'm sorry that the way I acted around you made you believe it was more than that because I understand that would upset you" I was listening to everything he was saying and his intentions sounded genuine which I can't lie made me feel a little bit better about our disagreement earlier "However..." Steve continued "I think I should probably explain what happened between us when we got back to your house, I really don't know what went through my mind, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable but it really didn't mean anything I swear, I really think me and Nancy could work out this time and I still want you to be my friend... so I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm sorry for being an asshole and I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable" I would be lying if Steve saying that he doesn't know why he tried to kiss me upset me and him also saying that he could see him and Nancy working out also hurt but he was trying to be genuine about it and I could tell he truly was sorry. "Steve...you trying to kiss me didn't make me uncomfortable" I don't why I thought it was a good idea to say this after he literally just told me that he sees him and Nancy working out but if we were going to be honest with each other I guess it was an appropriate time "I'm sorry Ada I really didn't mean to make you feel like I had feelings for you, I understand that can be confusing" Steve had his hand on my shoulder as he was saying this and it oddly made me feel comfortable "but can we at least still be friends because I was really looking forward to this summer" I couldn't help but smile at what he was saying because I too was very excited for this summer but I also really just wanted to have Steve back even if it was just as a friend "of course Steve, I was kind of hoping you would say that" he then engulfed me in a warm hug that even after the conversation we just had, had my stomach doing somersaults.

Steve then pulled away from the hug and looked me in my eyes saying "I'm glad we are friends again, I don't know what I would do without you" I wanted to say 'I wouldn't know either' but knowing that if I said that we would mean two very different things.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2022 ⏰

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