Cooking with joy and anxiety

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TW: Swearing

Tommy looked around his brother's house. "I just wanted to get ready to leave to hunt sone animals and raid the villagers. You know, for potatoes, carrots, wheat, and beetroot. I'm cooking for Ranboo's party since he wanted me to. Do you want to come along? I could use a hand or too in hunting."

"Sure, if the great blade asks for the help of the greater TommyInnit, how could I say no?" Tommy replied with his typical TommyInnit confidence while Techno got ready to head out.

Acting is tiring, but it's easier this way. Don't want him to think I am an imposter because of my calm and more collected self. Tommy let out a sigh. "Are you alright?", the pig hybrid questioned. Tommy looked into Techno's eyes with a confused look and said, "I'm alright, why are you asking?" Please believe me... "Nothing. Let's just go." Techno put on his coat and stepped out of the house. "Did you get everything you need?" Tommy asked. "Yes."

They left the warm house and went to the village near them. Tommy spent the rest of the day with Techno, occasionally laughing at their jokes. The sun made its way across the sky and soon disappeared, giving the moon its time to light the overworld.

"Can I stay for the night?", the young blond asked. Techno looked at Tommy. Was he analyzing his little brother? Tommy wouldn't know, but the silence was uncomfortable.

"You can stay for dinner, tasting a few meals, but I think it would be better if you go home afterward." He finally said, breaking the silence. What a shame. I guess I'll stay for dinner then. "Alright, but don't cry if I don't like your cooking skills," Tommy smirked. "After tonight, you'll be addicted to the great Technoblades cooking.", Techno responded.

Moments like these are rare. If only this could last forever, then everything would be fine. Only joy and friendly rivalry. "You alright, kinda spaced out there?" The pinkette questioned the blond while putting on his cooking apron. "Oh the greatest of 'em all, Tommyinnit is always more than fine." "Alright", the older brother began cooking. Tommy watched him and occasionally helped out, not wanting to just sit there doing nothing.

Making happy memories with him would be for the best. I know he cares deep down, as do I, but we don't have many happy memories together. Maybe these will light the mood when he thinks about them. Just don't miss me Techno, when I am gone.

"You spaced out again. Is something bothering you?" God, can you stop asking? Tommy looked at his brother with an unamused face. Maybe I'll say the truth, I guess. It would be better if he knew... Maybe just the half of the truth? Tommy didn't bother to look at his brother. He answered, "Maybe, I'm worried. How will the world for the living be, after 3 days? I hope everyone will be able to move on." "I'm sure it'll be alright. We just have to make sure Tubbo will be feeling alright.", Techno replied immediately. Another awkward silence. How many more?

"What's your favourite meal?", Techno finally broke the uneasy situation. He probably noticed Tommy's discomfort.

"I love meat. If the meal has juicy meat, then it's one of my favourites!", Tommy replied with a smile. He finished cutting the carrots and put them in a bowl, handing it to Techno. "Thanks, so you like meat, would you like to add a dish to the menu, for the party. As long as it's something I can cook.", the 'blade' asked.

Tommy thought for a bit. "Well, sure. Can you make some steak sewers, that's how you call 'em, right? Maybe with some vegetables?", the blond liked the atmosphere. It was nice now. "That's all? I can make those while fighting a whither or ten. We had those pretty often while travelling, you know.", Techno was pretty surprised. "Yeah, Wil and I often ate those back when we didn't have a roof to stay under. We traveled a lot as well until we decided to build a nation. Kinda reminds me of the easier times." "Makes sense. We only have to wait a bit for the potatoes to cook. We can eat after."

Technoblade and Tommy sat down on the couch and played some music on the jukebox. It was a slow tune, that underlined the peaceful night. Except for Tommy's thoughts. I should tell him, right? I should. I really should. Why can't I just open my mouth and say a single sentence? I thought I was going to, so do it, Tommy! You ain't a kid, that's not able to tell the truth.

Minutes passed. Silent ones, with the beat being the only thing making it somewhat cheery. "Damn, it's already 9 p.m., no wonder I'm hungry.", Techno said. Tommy nodded in agreement. Just say it! "Hey, umm... Techno?" "Yes, Tommy?", Techno turned his face towards his little brother. "I,..." SAY IT! "Ummm.... I" "You don't have to say it if your uncomfortable", Techno said with his monotone voice. Tommy bit his lower lip. Don't... don't stop me. Idiot. "I... I wanted to tell you, that...", Tommy continued. The pinkette listened carefully his full attention on his brothers words.



Techno still looked at his brother, but Tommy shook his head. "The potatoes are ready. Come let's eat.", Tommy said as he stood up. Why is it so hard to say that I'll die in 3 days? "Are you sure? You wanted to say something.", Techno questioned with his typical monotone voice with slight worry in it. Something Tommy caught off-guard. He had the urge to answer. "I just wanted to thank you for today, kinda hard, since our relationship wasn't the best.", Tommy laughed. Fuck. "Look at that, I said it. Not as hard as I thought."

Techno stared at Tommy with an unreadable look. He finally answered after some time. "Oh, no problem. I enjoyed today as well." Techno smiled a small smile. He stood up and walked to the kitchen with Tommy. The brothers ate together and the younger left afterward. It was 11 p.m. when he left the house. Full of joy and regret.



Hello people! It's been a while since I've updated this story. I hope it turned out alright.

Please correct me if I made any mistakes, so I can fix them and make the reading more pleasant.

What will Tommy do now?
Only I will know until the next chapter is released.

Until next time.

PS: Check out my other story, maybe? :]

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