The dead and the living

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TW: cursing; death; dealing with loss and the like!
Don't read if this is uncomfortable for you!


Tommy passed out. More like passed away. He braced himself for the shredding feeling, he expirienced when he last died. The awful feeling, he never wanted to expirience again. But here we are and he is dead once again.

So he waited, and waited, and waited, but nothing came. He just suddenly realized, that he was in Limbo. The place looked exactly like it was before. Endless void with nothing but nothingness. He felt like he was floating in that space. One could say, that it was peaceful. 

And so, he just floated, with noone nearby to talk or communicate with him. For a while.

and he lost count of how long it was. Just like last time.

But with the death of Tommy Innit, a new being began it's story on the surface. Poor thing was confused. He looked around searching for something familiar. Anything would have been fine, really, but all he saw was the wildlife around him.

It was the ghost of Tommy Innit, and it sat on the very stone, Tommy Innit sat on, as he was sent to the afterlife.

The ghost's view then stopped at the chest directly beside him. So he opened it, and saw the book and quill inside, that he remembered his alive version wrote. The books cover was made out of leather and the pages looked new. He liked the book and so he began reading the book and the ripped out page, left for anyone.

The ghost remembered a bit about himself. He was Tommy Innit, a boy, who got targeted by many people. A loud boy on the outside, but nothing but a mess on the inside. The ghost knew, that he couldn't trust people, because people bring pain. He knew that he had a son, but didn't know what to do about it. He knew, he was not alive, but knew, he could be with the living. And so, as he now knew, what he was and who he has been, he decides to live with nature and not go back, to the living people, that would do him nothing good. 

He looked around the flower field. He liked it, just like Tommy Innit did. But he wasn't Tommy Innit. He was what was left of him. And so he names himself Tommy Ghost, or Toast, for short. Toast floated back to the rock and began digging near the chest. He wanted a place to stay at, so he decided to live underground, like he did on the SMP, after hus house was destroyed. He liked building his home. The flowers always calmed him, when he looked at them. The animals around him made funny noises. It made him happy. And the winds howling and the rivers splashing gave him the necessary motivation, to do what he wanted and not cower in the corner of his room as the terrible memories that slowely plagued his mind made him question everything.

But before the ghost appeared, the SMPs citizen were panicking. They didn't know that 2 people were dying. They didn't know, that Ranboo wasn't the only one. The didn't know, that Tommy was long gone and has fled from everyone. And so they were in panic. Tubbo was shocked, that someone, besides his husband, was dying the next hour. It gave him the chills. He was terrified. Someone else, he knew, he was friends with, he cherished or he loved could be dying. 

The stress the goat hybrid expirienced was beyond the things he had to endure up until now. His little son could be dying, and he wouldn't know. He wouldn't know, because his son wouldn't be able to understand what it meant. Neither would his son be able to tell.

The goats thoughts ran wild as he blocked everything else out. Everyone in the mansion was probably asking each other if they knew. But he wouldn't know, because all he heard was his own thoughts and his heart beating as he tried to breath.

Ranboo was also shocked, that there were 2 and not 1. He was shocked, that someone else was dying with him. He was shocked to think, that people would actually have to deal with 2 losses and not one. It hurt him, that others had so much more to endure. And that, only because the 'higher beings' said so. He was almost always a calm, rational, positive guy, but this strained his string of patience and understanding.

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