A place to die and a party to be

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Tommy woke up. It was 9 a.m. The blond wasn't able to sleep well. He thought about the time he has left all night.

The last day is tomorrow. Or something. I don't get this at all.

Tommy sighed

So, today is Ranboo's party. I should get him white tulips, and maybe for myself. Where do I even want to die? Maybe next to Wil? Or L'Manberg? No, that only brought me pain. What about Ranboo. Next to everyone would be nice, right? But they all find me annoying. So alone? Maybe a hill? A flower forest! I like butterflies, so dying next to them might be for the best. But then no one would know. Maybe I'll write a book, that I died and leave it next to me in a chest! Yes, that sounds go-...

A terrifying thought interrupted him. A thought, he wished never crossed his mind.

What if Dream found it.

What if he did?!

He would revive me and put me... and no one would know...

Tommy's breathing quickened.

What if ghost me doesn't know about my intentions and walks to the others? I have to write a book for him, right? This is so complicated!!

"Fuck...", Tommy muttered. He started  tapping his leg in a certain rhythm and then tapped slower and slower, to prevent him having a panic attack.

Tap. Tap.. Tap..Tap...Tap...Tap....Tap.....

He let out a deep breath. After calming down he collected himself again.

I'll just look for a flower forest and field and get the tulips. Then I'll disappear from the party and will die in the forest alone. I'll figure things out if someone revives me. Let's be careful, nonetheless.

The 17-year-old stood up and got ready to go out. He left the SMP and walked aimlessly to the east.

Tommy walked and walked. His mind often strayed, but he walked and walked and walked. He heard the quiet forest life, with it's many birds and insects. He felt his feet on the ground and the wind on every inch of his body. He saw the colours surrounding him. Green leaves and brown dirt. The blue and white sky, the red and white mushrooms. These were all things he would never see again after his next death.

Suddenly a noise caught his attention.


Bees? Tommy looked around. He saw some bees flying around not caring about the boy's presence. The blond began following them. Bees meant flowers, flowers meant a flower forest or field and that means he's near his destination.

He looked at the clock he brought with him, to not lose track of time. Ranboos party starts in 2 hours.

Of course, he could've just looked at the giant sphere in the sky, but that would hurt his eyes too much. A clock is a very useful invention for sure.

Tommy ran in the direction of the bees. A sudden light blinded him. He stood still adjusting his eyes to the light. He opened his eyes fully and saw it. A field covered with the most beautiful flowers. It even reached the horizon.

How did noone find or tell about this pog place?

Tommy proceeded. He felt so relieved like he has seen the one thing he wanted to see before his death. He looked around and saw roses and tulips in every possible colour. Poppies, dandelions, medallions, daisies, Windflowers, and more. A little 'wow' escaped the blond's mouth as he stared in awe.

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