The party for the dying man

43 3 0

TW: Swearing
mentioning death

 Tommy thoughts


Tommy looked at the crowd of people that talked to Ranboo while sitting. 

There's Niki, Jack, Phil, Wil, Tubbs with Micheal, obviously Ranboob, and Puffy.

"Hello, people!" Techno greeted the group. Here we go... "Hello, everyone! How're we doing?", Tommy smiled with confidence. A chorus of "hello"s and "hi"s with some "hey"s responded. "You want to join us? Just wanted to get everyone to play some party games. Maybe spin the bottle or ToD.", the half Enderman said and stood up. "I'll play observer or something if you don't mind.", Techno replied. "Sure, I guess I'll play along. We'll use Water or juice, right?" Tubbo smirked as Tommy asked. "Oh, even better." This sent Tommy shivers down his spine. Tubbo might be a nice and bubbly person, but he can easily change his personality. He doesn't mean alcohol, right? I won't be able to leave when I'm drunk. It'll be my first time too. 

"You know, we have some really-" "No, Tubbo!", Ranboo interrupted his platonic husband. "We won't use those! Did you forget what happened last time?" "Only pussies would not use them. I ain't a puss. You guys agree, right? We ain't scaredy cats." Tubbo replied. His expression darkened. "Please do-", Ranboo began arguing but got interrupted by a brunette. "I sure am not one. You better get whatever Tubbo suggested!" Wilbur smirked. More and more agreed. The half enderman sighed in defeat. "Okay, I'll get them. Just don't regret it!", Ranboo walked off. Probably to the kitchen.

"HAHAHHAHHA", Tubbo laughed. "What even is "that"?", Niki asked. Tubbo looked at her. "Sweets.", he said smiling innocently. Everyone got quiet. "Sweets? Only sweets?", Jack finally said. "Oh, you'll know once you taste them. I definitely didn't make them with some secret ingredients." Time stood still. Actually, it didn't, everyone just froze at the thought. Tubbo didn't make those sweets... He said so... Oh god, please don't. "I'm back..." Ranboo said. Tommy looked at the man with his bowl in hand. Ranboo burst out laughing. "As I said, don't regret this."

Everyone playing settled down. Even Techno, George, Sapnap, and Quackity joined. Tubbo somehow managed to convince Techno and Sapnap, but that didn't matter to Tommy. "Okay, soooo... What are we playing?", Puffy asked. "Let's play spin the bottle first." the half enderman said and put an empty bottle down. "Ranboo should go first then.", Niki said. The participants nodded in agreement. It was only fair in Tommy's eyes. Ranboo would die the next day. "Okay, here we go!" The bottle spun. "You spin me right round baby right round..." Tubbo sang. Some burst out laughing. The bottle slowed down and pointed at Sapnap. Lucky, Ranboo would never ask anything too weird... I think. "Okay, here we go.", Sapnap readied himself. "Are you naturally resistant to any kinds of poison and fire?" A moment of silence. "Boooooooooorrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiing!", Wilbur commented. I never thought about that. It makes sense. Sapnap is a blaze-hybrid, so his body temperature is higher than others. That means his blood runs faster and he can exchange oxid better and faster. Sapnap looked pretty surprised. He probably thought he would get a more... different type of question. "Well, yeah... you didn't know?" "No, I didn't.", Ranboo replied bluntly. "Okayyyyy?"

Sapnap spun the bottle and waited for it to point at someone. Tommy prayed for it not to be him. Lucky him, fate chose his brother Wilbur. "What's the afterlife like?" God, asking such a question... "Can we not talk about that?", Tommy asked. He looked at the ground to avoid any kind of eye contact. "He already asked, so I have to.", Wilbur tried to explain. It was clear he just wanted to piss his little brother off. The blond interrupted, "I'll eat the sweet for you." Tommy grabbed the bowl. "Deal?" "Deal", Wilbur replied. Tommy grabbed a cookie, that looked pretty decent. He didn't care about the reactions others made and concentrated on the cookie. Tommy took a bite. He spat. He tore. "What the fuck!? This tastes horrible. No offense, but this ... this is pure torture." "You have to eat it though.", Wilbur smirked. He totally enjoyed his brother's suffering.

They continued playing for the next few hours. Different kinds of questions were asked. Sometimes it was something uncomfortable, sometimes something funny, and sometimes something surprising, but everyone enjoyed the party. After getting bored, the people started doing other stuff. Some went out to see Snowchester and quickly came back inside, because of the cold, others spoke with the party's hosts. 

Tommy went back to the couch he sat on before. He hated being alone before, but speaking to anyone at that moment didn't seem right. He feared, that he would speak too much and give away his own worries and problems or look sad and not 'Tommyinnit' enough, 'cause he's fucking stressed. So staying away was probably for the best. "What a night, I should probably go sometime soon.", Tommy mumbled to himself. He sighed. There's no point in staying for much longer. Maybe I should say goodbye? ... no, probably not. It's too risky...but I really want to... 

The blond stood up and looked around one last time. Everyone was talking to either Ranboo or each other. He looked at a clock. It's 11 p.m. already. I'll take my leave now... I'll just say bye...

Tommy approached his family and friends. Maybe friends. Maybe enemies? Doesn't matter to him. He quickly changed his face to a more confident and tired one. "Hey, big man. I think I'll go now.", the blond said as he reached the group. "Really? We planned on partying the whole night until tomorrow, when...", Tubbo paused. He was really uncomfortable with it. "I think you know what I mean." "I guess, but I'm really tired and want to sleep.", Tommy fake yawned. He wasn't really tired, but he needed a good excuse. Tommy hoped he would let him go. He got less than an hour and he still wanted to write some stuff down in a book for his ghost or the person that found him dead. "Oh, we prepared some beds for anyone who wanted to sleep. It's soundproof and all and in the east wing of the mansion.", Ranboo said. He either didn't want Tommy to leave or wanted Tommy to have more time here. He probably believed that the blond didn't want to leave. 

"Oh, really?", he asked surprised. Fuck. How complicated is this going to be? Dying alone in the place I want to. Is that too much to ask for? "Yes! You can stay if you'd like." More like stay or it'll be weird... Damn it. Tommy sighed. But then he had an idea. "Thanks for the offer big man, but I have to take care of shroud. He is more active at night. You know, more aggressive. I have to check on him. I don't want him to do something stupid." I hope this works. Shroud isn't home, but I didn't tell anyone. He's probably enjoying his time with his spider friends. "That's understandable. Are you sure though? I don't want you to regret anything. You can come back later if you want.", Ranboo said. Carefully. He doesn't want to trigger anything, I guess. Death isn't an easy topic. Not for me at least.

 "Maybe, depends. Don't worry though, you'll see me again.", the blond said as he looked at Ranboo. Damn. Now I'm giving them hints. Hopefully, no one took it. Tommy waved as he got his stuff. Some people waved goodbye, and he left shortly after.



Hello people!
I know this story is horrible and no fun to read like at all. I still hope you enjoyed though. 

The chapters are short, Ik. It's not meants to be a good story, but rather just something I wanted to write. (I wrote this ages ago btw, and just edit the stuff I wrote and upload it. :/ There might be some mistakes. sry! )

Ask questions if you want to! :]

Til next chapter!


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