His sunrise

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Tommy smiled as he finished writing. He put the book into his inventory with the quill and ink and stood up after. It was probably around 2 a.m. now. Tommy took a step and fireflies and crickets started flying from the ground up into the sky. The blond was fascinated by this. It looked amazing. He took another step and once again fireflies and all the other bugs flew around. Tommy ran through the field, feeling like a kid again. 

With all the shit that happened, he forgot what it was like to be a kid. The boy grew up too fast. He didn't get the childhood he deserved and the result was him being the 'problem' of everything. The 'cause' for everything bad. What a bunch of idiots. He thought. 

A few hours passed and Tommy was still alive. He is pretty much waiting for it. Maybe it's not healthy, but what could he do.

The endermen, Tommy completely forgot about, left as the sun was about to rise. The blond quickly climbed the biggest tree he could see and looked east. The sky started turning brighter and brighter and eventually redder and redder as the stars faded more and more. The sun revealed itself not long after as it got out of its blanket of the horizon. Bees started buzzing and the birds began singing. Wow...

Tommy loved this. He could see the sunrise one last time. It felt like his sunrise. His and only his. He smiled to himself as he sat on the tree branch, his legs dangling in the air. After an hour the sun was high enough for Tommy to stop looking at. He might've gone blind, if he did.

He climbed down and walked over to the field. He layed down, next to the stone he previously sat on and gazed the clouds. Funny, that one of them was shaped like a disc, or ball, or maybe the moon. A cloud, that looked like a perfect circle. Another reminded him of some Rabbit with a long tail and another like a dragon.

Oh, I shouldn't really put my stuff into my inventory, right? I'll put it into the chest I brought. The blond might've realized this a bit too late. Tommy did as he thought. Afterward he laid down again and looked at the clouds. The boy got bored and closed his eyes out of tiredness. Tommy didn't sleep all night, so what would one expect? 

He listened to the wildlife. The crashing sound of water from the river, the buzzing from the bugs around, and the birds' melodies filling the air. Then he felt the cold floor and warm sun on his body. It was comfortable. He smelled the sweet flowers and honey around him, which made him calm and kind of hungry. His stomach growled all of a sudden. 

I should probably eat.

Tommy stood up after getting enough motivation and strengh to leave the comfortable position he was in and walked over to an apple tree, plucked some apples, and ate them. They tasted delicious. The blond loved them, they were the best apples he has ever eaten. 

He smiled. Spending his last moments in such a peaceful place is nothing but a blessing to him. If only he could show this to Shroud. He would like it here. Maybe he would've built a house here and stayed with Shroud, away from all the conflict, if he didn't die in the next hours. Tommy walked to the river to freshen himself up and to drink some water. He cupped his hands and splashed the water onto his face. He also drank some water and sat down. He watched the fish swim freely in the water.

Fish almost always reminded him of Sally. He never saw her himself, but Wil often told them about her after her death. It was around the time Fundy joined them. She apparently was a very beautiful woman, that loved singing and dancing. She was part Salmon, so she wasn't much on land or away from water. Wil said, that he fell for her the very first second he saw her. Her laugh made him the happiest man in the world. His brother always smiled when he talked about her.


Tommy's eyes widened. He looked at a screen, the same as the one 3 days ago. And so he read the message.

Dear Players of the Dream SMP,
After some discussion we are ready to tell you, that 2 people will die today and leave this world behind in the next hour.
We hope, you can spend enough time with them.

Tommy finished reading and closed the tab. "Fuck you XD.", the blond cursed half heartedly. 

XD always does dumb stuff like this. They don't know this place exists, right? And they have no idea where I have gone to. Do they even care?

Tommy let out a sigh, he didn't know he held in. Was it that bad if they knew? He'll die in the next hour, which means, that he can die now or in 55 minutes or so. He stood up and walked to the chest he placed before. He checked everything once again and sat down on the rock. "I hate waiting... I know that I should probably enjoy my time left, but I just want to get it over with." The blond was complained. He'd like to just die in the very place he sat. Tommy closed his eyes. The nervousness ate him whole as he sat there with nothing to distract him.

"So, you want to die early. You really are very interesting.", an echoey voice spoke. Tommy opened his eyes quickly and redied himself. But all he saw was a green figure before him with a mask, like Dreams, but with 'XD' on it. Tommy's heart and breathing slowed from relief. "You're XD, right? Will you take my soul to limbo now?" The blond didn't really care anymore. "So you're ready to leave the world behind?", XD asked him while tilting his head. "Not that I'm ready, I just don't have a choice." Tommy stood up. "Why will I die, anyway? I don't think I have angered the gods enough to kill me or take my soul." He looked at the wildlife around him. 

"Classified, but I can say, that it is, in my opinion, a stupid reason.", XD answered monotonely with Dreams echo-like voice. "It isn't important though. What I would like to know, is if you're ready." the god asked once again. Tommy then looked at the god. He looked similar to Dream, which gave him the creeps, so he avoided looking at him again and looked at the ground instead.

"Will I become a ghost?", the blond asked after building up enough confidence. The god stared at him. It unsettled the young boy.

"Ghosts are created through a persons thought process, their soul radiation and other things such as emotions, wills and so on. It entirely depends on you, what kind of ghost you get, what condition they have and or if they even exist anywhere at all.", the god answered. It was worded just the way Tommy barely understood what that meant. It meant, that he wouldn't know until after he was dead. 

Which sucked for him.

"Okay, thank you.", he answered shyly. "I think I just want to get it over with.", the blond said after some silence. He looked at all the greenery around him. At the animals around him. At the atmosphere around him. He then looked at the god before him, who didn't do anything. Yet.

"Alright, Tommy Innit. Have a good trip to the afterlife.", the masked god said and put 2 fingers on Tommy's forehead. The boy immediately passed out.


I have nothing to say tbh.
I have trouble writing my other story. Writers block. And I have stuff to do. So, next chapter is the last one.
I hope you had fun.
Til next time.

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