- 7 ; caught

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"So you're one of them now? You two faced bitch, I should've known." Jason was furious, still harshly gripping onto my arm as he had me backed up into a wall.

"I was picking up my brother." I could barely get words out, I was terrified.

He wouldn't let me go, his grip on my arm felt like it was going to leave a bruise and even if he let go I wouldn't be able to escape because he blocked my only exit with his other hand.

"Then where's your brother? And why the fuck have you got one of their little freak club shirts? Huh? Say something!"

"Jason, please just let me go." I plead, I don't have any explanations for him.

I used my other arm to try and release his hold on me, he glanced down at my hand and noticed my ring.

That damn ring.

"That's one of Eddie's." Jason laughs, "So now you're sharing shit with him? You two friends or something? Maybe even more than friends? It wouldn't surprise me."

"I'm not-" I gasp as he tightens his grip on me.

"Stop fucking lying to me, Valerie. If you wanna sneak around with that nobody then so be it, you're making a huge fucking mistake. You wanna hang out with Eddie then you'll be treated just like him."

"Jason, I don't-"

At some point, I was crying. I'm not sure whether it was from the physical pain or fear.

"Whatever. Have fun with him while it lasts, he'll probably be arrested soon for dealing and I know you'll come running back to me and Chrissy anyway."

"And by the way," he leans in closer, "If you were that desperate to get laid... you could've just asked me."

Jason thinks I'd actually fuck him, and thinks me and Eddie fucked. I'm not sure which idea is more ridiculous.


I did what anyone would, I mustered up some courage and then used all my strength to knee him in the groin.

He instantly fell backwards, gripping himself in pain. I didn't know whether to run or apologise or just stand there and process the situation. I chose the latter. I froze up.

"I take back my offer, fucking psycho." he uttered before hurrying out of the school.

I don't think he likes me anymore.


Another panic attack.

My breathing began to get more rapid, I had two options, sit on the floor and let it happen or get back to the Hellfire Club room.

Fuck it. I need Eddie.

I felt like I was going to collapse but I held myself up against the wall and began to stumble back towards the door of the Hellfire Club room.

I used my entire body weight to push open the door, Eddie came rushing up to me.

I fell into his arms, he held me against him while all I could to was cry into his shoulder.

"Stay in here as long as you need to, okay?" he says to me.

He already knew what was happening and didn't bombard me with questions like other people would, he just made me feel safe.

He began to help me towards the couch and he sat down next to me, taking my hand in his while I tried to calm myself down.

He took his free hand and checked my pulse on my neck just like the first time we'd spoken.

"Was this one random or did something happen?" he asks, seeming genuinely worried.

"Jason." was all I managed to get out.

I glanced at my arm and saw red marks where Jason's hand was placed before, fuck, that's definitely gonna bruise.

"Did he do that?" Eddie notices me looking at the marks left on me.

I choose not to answer, I don't want anyone getting into a fight over this.

"I know you probably don't wanna hear this right now but maybe you should start trying to distance yourself from him." he sighs, "I'm not just saying this because he's an ass to me, I'm saying this as your friend."


Eddie Munson is my friend, Jason Carver isn't.

I nod, and for some reason I hug Eddie.

"I would love to be chivalrous right now and go beat the crap out of Jason but I don't wanna make things worse for you." he says, I laugh, still in his arms.

"... Do you wanna hang out at my place tomorrow?" I ask him, slowly beginning to calm down.

"After school?"

"No, during school."

"You're a terrible influence, already trying to get me to skip school." he tuts.

"But sure, sounds fun." he smiles.

☆ ☆ ☆

AUTHOR'S NOTES: might have to start a jason hate club

AUTHOR'S NOTES: might have to start a jason hate club

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