a little update

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i'll be deleting this chapter soon i just wanted to update everyone because i'm aware some of you are still waiting for a chapter 💪

long story short, the reason i've been so inactive is because i have a boyfriend now and i've been spending pretty much all my free time with him so i don't really have much time to write anymore 😢

i still love writing and i still plan on uploading my steddie x oc fic at some point but for these next few weeks i'll probably be inactive because school's started again and i wanna spend as much time with my bf as possible <3

thank you all so much for the support on this book, it's been surreal seeing this go from only 100 reads to 600k reads within a few months, i still read the comments from time to time and i still laugh at all the random jokes you guys leave in the comment section, u guys make my day 😭

i don't know if outcast will be updated again, i doubt it will be updated for a long time though, sorry if anyone's disappointed:(

- kay

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