- 11 ; hellfire

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"I guess you'd say..." Eddie sings, dancing around his room with me.

After school Eddie and I had decided to go back to his trailer to smoke, very out of character for me, I know. I was having a lot of fun though.

"What can make me feel this way..." I continue the song as Eddie twirls me around.

"My girl!" Eddie laughs out the lyrics while pointing at me.

"In your dreams." I laugh while I'm pulled towards him, my head landing against his chest.

Eddie's arms fell around my back as we swayed to the music together, we were both high and just ridiculously happy to be around each other, more so than usual.

"You would really suit a nose piercing." I comment mindlessly.

"I have a funny story about piercings actually." he tells me, "I pierced my own nipples while high once."

He's so strange.

"That's the funny story?" I ask.


"... Are they still pierced?"

"No, turns out piercing yourself while under the influence of drugs usually doesn't work out. Had to take them out." he shrugs casually.

"I find out something new about you every day and it's always something really weird."

"And that's exactly why everyone calls me a freak, princess." he laughs, knowing he's annoying me by calling me that again.

"I despise that nickname." I shudder.

"I know, that's why I like calling you it."

I'll never admit it to him but I do actually like when he makes fun of me, I guess I'd never really been in a friendship where I was comfortable enough to have dumb little jokes like this before.

"You're the bane of my existence sometimes." I tell him.

"Only sometimes? Wow! This is a new record, I'll take that as a compliment."

We were still swaying to the music together, My Girl by The Temptations had been playing on loop. I glanced around Eddie's room for a second and noticed something on the wall.


Do I ask about them? I already know exactly why they're there but it'll be more funny hearing it from Eddie.

"Just out of curiosity, why do you have handcuffs on your wall?" I ask, smiling innocently.

"Well... uh..." he begins, not finding words, "That's a really interesting question."

I tilted my head up at him with a smile and nodded, gesturing for him to carry on.

"I think I'll just leave that up to your imagination, princess."


Walking into school wearing my Hellfire Club shirt was a big accomplishment for me, actually. Nobody else knew I was even in the club apart from the club members of course, I knew people would be talking about it.

I also sat with the Hellfire Club members at lunch, much to Mike's disapproval. I don't think he wanted his older sister sitting with him, I didn't really care.

"I can't remember the last time I had a celebrity crush, I think I've grown out of that now." I shrug, we were on the topic of celebrities and Gareth had mentioned his undying love for Phoebe Cates.

"That is such bullshit. I've seen you talking to your Matt Dillon poster, you know, the one right above your bed." Mike announces, loud enough for everyone to hear.

Mike Wheeler, you annoying little piece of shit.

I glanced over at Eddie who was practically folded in half trying not to laugh, I sunk down a little into my seat and covered my face in embarrassment.

"Oh, Matt, you're so perfect, I wish y-" Mike began mocking my voice, I threw my apple at him to make him shut up.

"Just to make this very clear, I literally never said that." I establish for everyone else at the table.

"You're only saying that because you don't wanna look like a sad loser in front of E-" Mike started to talk but I took Dustin's apple and threw it at him.

Eddie looked over at me and raised his eyebrows with a slight smirk before focusing back on his food. He gave me another quick glance before looking away to conceal his smile.

He definitely knows.

"Can you not? I'm gonna have so many bruises from your constant apple attacks." Mike rolls his eyes.

"I was gonna eat that." Dustin sighs, I pass him my chocolate milk to make up for it.

I continued to eat my lunch in peace, actually quite enjoying the company of Hellfire, they were a little weird but in a fun way. I'd had more fun this lunch than any lunch I'd spent with Jason and Chrissy.

I was aware of the people staring and whispering, and I didn't really care until I had a banana thrown at me.

"Did anyone see who that was?" I ask calmly.

"Linda." Lucas tells me.

I pressed my fist against the banana a few times to soften the inside, making it into a disgusting sloppy consistency. I tore the peel a little so there was some space for the mashed up banana to escape, and I stood up with the banana in my hand.

Without thinking, I threw the banana full force back at Linda. The peel of the banana pretty much gave up, causing it to burst, she was covered in banana mush.

"Holy crap!" Eddie laughs, a shocked but impressed expression on his face.

I sat back down as the rest of Hellfire shared looks of surprise and amusement. I'm never a confrontational person but joining Hellfire means I'm gonna have to start standing up for myself, starting with throwing a banana bomb at Linda.

"I'm gonna kill that bitch!" I heard Linda yell as people began to surround her.

"Valerie Wheeler, you're a legend." Eddie laughs, watching as Linda tried to scrape banana off her clothes.

A carrot came hurling towards us, Gareth caught it and closed his eyes as he threw it behind him, letting it hit someone random.

Eddie stepped up onto his chair and finally up onto our table, he cupped his hands around his mouth to project his voice more.

"FOOD FIGHT!" he yelled.

☆ ☆ ☆

AUTHOR'S NOTES: cute little val and eddie moments for everyone

found out joseph quinn is from london which is great bc i live in london too and now this means i can convince myself that i'll meet him one day 😇 ALSO i managed to get a hellfire club shirt WOOOO

IMPORTANT: updates might be a little slower from now on because i have exams ☹️☹️ i'll try to keep up with the quick updates though!!

feel free to vote if you enjoyed this chapter, it helps others find this book which really helps me out!! <3

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