- 20 ; cryptic

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"Hey, is it alright if I sit here with you?" I ask.

The first thing I noticed about her was how painfully gorgeous she was, it was the middle of the night, she had no reason to look that pretty but she did. Her style was insanely cool, like one of those rockstar's girlfriends you'd see in a magazine.

"Go for it. Just out of curiosity, why are you out this late? You're not gonna befriend me and then murder me, right?" she jokes.

"I could ask the same to you."

"Okay, well I'm out here because I literally just can not sleep and I don't wanna wake my boyfriend so I snuck out and ended up here." she shrugs, "Your turn."

"I realised that I'm in love with my best friend so I came out here to clear my head, it's not really working though." I smile a little, sitting down next to her.

I was fully aware that I was oversharing but I didn't know her, it's not like she would know who I was talking about or be able to figure it out, it's easier to be honest to strangers because there's less room for judgement. For some reason, I felt as if I could trust her.

"Tell me about them, your best friend."

"God, I don't even know where to start." I laugh, "He's a complete nerd but somehow also a total badass who doesn't care what other people think about him, which I think is cool as hell. He's in a band and plays guitar for me a lot and we're a little more than best friends but we're not actually together but, I don't know..." I begin.

"I've liked him for a while now and I just can't tell if he feels the same, so now I'm just kinda stuck." I finish with a shrug.

She glances at me like she was trying to piece something together, I almost began to worry that she knew who I was but I didn't recognise her and Hawkins was a small town, if she knew me then I'd know her.

"Don't take this the wrong way but I didn't exactly picture you as the type to fall for a nerdy dude." she says with a slight smile as she glances at my outfit.

"I didn't think I would either, yet here I am."

"I'm not from Hawkins but I know enough about the people here, I could see you with someone like... Steve Harrington, hell, maybe even Billy Hargrove." she laughs,

"Considering Steve Harrington dated my sister, I'm gonna pass. And Billy Hargrove is a notorious womanizer, I try to stay away from those types so that's also a big no." I shake my head.

"Yeah, the guys here kinda suck. Seems like you really like this best friend of yours though."

"I do, that's the issue. He's been such a good friend to me and I'm just worried that he doesn't want to be anything more than that, I just don't wanna lose him."

"You said you two are a little more than best friends, you two hooking up or something?" she asks.

"No, just kissing, like- a lot." I tell her, thinking back to that night at the pool.

"Well, I've been in that situation before and I mean it when I say that he definitely likes you back." she settles.

I wait for her to expand on it, I didn't really understand how she could be so certain of my situation.

"Okay, look, a lot of guys only want girls for sex, that's how you'll end up in those annoying hookup situations with no real feelings involved. Kissing is different, it's usually more... I don't know, emotional, I guess. There's no room for unreciprocated feelings when you're kissing someone, trust me, there's an extremely high likelihood he likes you as much as you like him if all you two have done is kiss." she nods, and it reassures me a little.

"I just don't know." I sigh, laying down on the grass.

"Stranger, stop getting stressed over a guy." she laughs, laying down next to me.

"Easy for you to say, you said you have a boyfriend. I have no experience at all."

"Dude, you said you like a nerd. He probably doesn't have any experience either, don't worry."

"He literally has handcuffs on his wall, I don't think he's exactly inexperienced with girls." I tell her, laughing slightly.

"You ever seen him talking to another girl?" she asks almost immediately.

Okay, good point.


"Exactly, point proven." she sits back up, glancing at the sky.

A small pattering sound began to fill the air, water on water, of course it rains while I'm out, just my luck.

"Crap, I should uh, get going, thanks for the help, stranger." I tiredly manage to stand up, "Can I at least get your name? Maybe I can try find you again at some point."

"You won't need it." she smiles, beginning to walk away.

Okay, slightly cryptic but then again I'd just met this girl in the middle of night at a lake, I wasn't exactly expecting to find a friend anyway. Guess I won't see her again, talking to her kept me sane for a few minutes so at least one good thing had come out of this night.

"Tell me how it goes with this friend of yours, yeah?" she turns back to ask me.

"How am I supposed to if I don't know who you are?" I scrunch my face in confusion as she continues to walk away.

I sigh, shaking my head and not bothering to try and decipher what she was saying. The rain was only getting heavier the longer I stood there, there was no point trying to chase down this girl so I simply began to walk home.

Maybe it was my tiredness making me think irrationally but part of me didn't want to go home yet, I had this weird urge of responsibility, like there was something I needed to do.

Fuck it.

I turned around and headed towards the road, following the safety of the streetlights as I watched rain pelt down all around me.

I wasn't going home, I was going elsewhere. I was pissed at myself for wimping out of situations like this all the time, besides, if I didn't do this now then I knew I never would. Something about my chat with that girl had inspired me to just try.

I hope Eddie's awake.

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hope ur all enjoying so far 😇 that's all i wanted to say anyway next chapter should be up soon

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