- 9 ; cafeteria

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Spending the day with Eddie was a lot of fun, he was slightly dramatic sometimes but ridiculously entertaining. My mom came upstairs to check on me at one point and I'd had to hide Eddie in my closet, I'd never really snuck anyone into my house before but I quickly realised I enjoyed the risk.

When it was time for Eddie to leave he had to climb back down the ladder, he forgot to tell me he was scared of heights so had to stop for a few seconds each time he took a step down to compose himself. He had absolutely no sense of urgency, he'd be the worst prison escapee ever.

I spent a few hours drawing random things that came to my mind. Eddie's jacket, Eddie's ring, my bedroom window with the ladder laying against it.

I'm going to look like an obsessed weirdo if Eddie finds these.

I followed my first instinct, hiding them in my drawer along with the other drawings I was slightly ashamed of.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when my phone began to ring, it completely interrupted the blissful silence of my house.

"Hello?" I answer, wondering why someone would call this late.

"Is it true that you were with Eddie at that club?" A voice asks, she's quiet, upset.


My heart sinks. Chrissy is sweet, and I feel awful for leaving her with Jason.

"Did Jason tell you?" I ask.

"Yeah, he's been really upset." Chrissy sighs, "Look, Valerie... it's okay if you don't want to be friends with me anymore but-"

"Chrissy, I still want to be your friend. I just don't want to be around Jason anymore."

"That's okay, I understand."

There was a pause, and I wasn't sure whether to hang up.

"Valerie." Chrissy says sheepishly.


"I think Jason's a little angry, maybe tell Eddie to be careful when you guys are back in school." she tells me.

"Okay, thanks Chrissy." I reply, this isn't good.

Chrissy hangs up and I'm left feeling worse than before. I don't want Eddie getting into trouble with Jason just because I started hanging out with him. This whole thing is ridiculous.

And how am I supposed to solve the everlasting dilemma of cafeteria tables? If I sit with Eddie, he'll become more of a target. I can't sit with Jason and Chrissy for obvious reasons, but I don't want to find new friends.

Max and Robin.


"What the hell is he doing?" Max asks, staring at Jason who was standing at the cafeteria table where Hellfire were sitting, commotion was clearly brewing.

"That doesn't look good." I utter to myself, I knew there would be trouble, I just didn't know how to help.

"Anyone got popcorn?" Robin asks, turning to the people around us.

Eddie was laughing and shaking his head at whatever Jason was saying to him and I could practically see Jason's rage about to burst out of him, he slammed his hand down on the table, I flinched, and I had to stop myself from going over there.

Eddie stepped up onto his chair and then onto the table, things were about to get bad.

"Listen up, asswipes!" Eddie yells to everyone in the cafeteria.

"Oh my god." I sunk down a little into my seat, dreading whatever he was about to say.

"Since Jason Carver won't leave me the fuck alone, I'm here to tell you all his dirty little secret." he laughs, everyone was beginning to get excited.

"Get down, freak." I heard Jason say.

"I would usually let him handle this privately, but that's no fun! Right?" Eddie completely ignores Jason.

"I said get down."

Eddie glanced over at me with a smile, part of me wanted to tell him to just sit down but the other part of me wanted to let him say whatever he was about to say. I'm not sure what dirt Eddie could possibly have on Jason, I guess that's why I didn't stop him.

"Hurry up!" someone yelled from across the cafeteria, everyone else was eager to hear what Eddie wanted to say.

Eddie crouched down a little and whispered something to Jason, I began to worry for Eddie after seeing how furious Jason looked, his fist was clenched and his face turned bright red, I'm surprised there wasn't steam coming out of his ears.

"What do you guys think Jason's hiding?" Robin asks, eyes fixated on the situation at hand.

"He probably buys steroids from Eddie." Max answers nonchalantly.

"Eddie doesn't sell steroids." I say quietly, still intrigued by what Eddie and Jason were doing.

"What? How and why do you know that?" Robin asks, surprised.

Disappointed sighs filled the room as Eddie stepped down from the table and Jason returned to his seat, they must've sorted out whatever they were arguing about. Either that, or Eddie was using Jason's secret as blackmail.

Screw it, I'm gonna go find out.

"Long story. I'll be back." I tell Max and Robin before heading towards Eddie's table.

"Where are you going?" I could hear Max ask.

This is gonna be interesting.

☆ ☆ ☆

AUTHOR'S NOTES: next chapter is very cute i'm excited to post it 😇

i'm spending the whole day tomorrow looking for a hellfire club shirt 🙏 i checked my local primark on wednesday for one and they were all sold out so i'm really really really hoping they've restocked

feel free to vote if you enjoyed this chapter, it helps others find this book which really helps me out!! <3

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